- Simple Log - CodeProject
- Symbolic Integration with C# - CodeProject
- ScrollCall - CodeProject - GUI demo na práci s většími obrázky než je viewport
- OCR using C++ - CodeProject
- A Sudoku Puzzle Solver using Strategies - CodeProject
- A C# Implementation of McCarthy’s Ambiguity Operator - CodeProject
- Graph3D: A Windows.Forms Render Control in C# - CodeProject
- A Spritesheet Library and Editor for Win2D - CodeProject - VisualBasic (?)
- Tropical Tunes. Scratch Versus C#. - CodeProject
- WebView2 Edge Browser in MFC C++ Application - CodeProject
- VirtualMultiArray - A C++ Virtual Array Implementation - CodeProject
- WPF DataGrid: Solving Sorting, ScrollIntoView, Refresh and Focus Problems - CodeProject
- Application Auto-update via Online Files in C# - CodeProject
- A Blazor Modal Dialog Editor - CodeProject
- Localization in Gtk3 C# using WPF Dynamic Resources - CodeProject
- Synchronization with Visual C++ and the Windows API - CodeProject
- Hello C#! C++ at Your Service - CodeProject
- An Ultrafast Light Timeseries Storage Engine – Part 1 - CodeProject
- COVID-19 Diagnosis with Deep Learning - CodeProject
- Converting Enum member names and values in C# - CodeProject
- Unicode Art - CodeProject - geneze ASCII-artu ...
- Sessiontime - Record Windows Session and Locked/unlocked Events and Parse and Display Collected Data - CodeProject
- CurSur - 3D Curves and Surfaces in Geometric Design, in WebGL - CodeProject
- Auto-generated columns in a WPF ListView - CodeProject
- Working With JSON In C# - CodeProject
- WPF - Creating Observable Enumerators - CodeProject
- The Role of WGL Functions of Rendering onto Microsoft Windows - CodeProject
- WPF IntegerUpDown Control - Adapt and Overcome - CodeProject
- C++: Minimalistic CSV Streams - CodeProject
- All in One Toolchain for Article Writing with Visual Studio Code - CodeProject
- WPF - Auto-Closing Modeless Windows - CodeProject
- FreeRTOS Thread Pack: Create Multithreaded IoT Code The Easy Way - CodeProject
- Converting Video with FFmpegCore - CodeProject
- The Role of WGL Functions of OpenGL Rendering onto Microsoft Windows - CodeProject
- WPF - Dedicated Enumerator ListBox and ComboBox - CodeProject
- Generic Client-Server DotNet Remoting with Server CallBack - CodeProject
- Brilliant Brick Prototyping | Hackaday
- Arducam Now Working With The RPi Pico | Hackaday
- Electric Candle Replaces Flame With Plasma | Hackaday
- Dazzling Desktop Dodecahedron | Hackaday - zase polopropustná zrcadla
- An ESP Will Read Your Meter For You | Hackaday
- Hands-On: The RISC-V ESP32-C3 Will Be Your New ESP8266 | Hackaday
- Bitbanged DVI On A Raspberry Pi RP2040 Microcontroller | Hackaday
- Hands-On: The RISC-V ESP32-C3 Will Be Your New ESP8266 | Hackaday
- Stay Focused With This Distraction Free Cyberdeck | Hackaday
- Listening In On Muscles With The BioAmp EMG Pill | Hackaday
- The Tube Map, In Glorious 8-Bit! | Hackaday - v BASICu na BBC-micro
- BASIC: Cross-Platform Software Hacking Then And Now | Hackaday - zdá se, že není mrtvý ...
- FreeTouchDeck Upgrades Its Hardware And Its Name: ESP32 Touchdown | Hackaday
- Minimal MQTT With Micropython | Hackaday
- Using MIDI To Solve A Keyboard Shortcut Problem | Hackaday
- Arduino Announces Board Based On Raspberry Silicon | Hackaday - to vypadá zajímavě - Rapberry RP2040 + uBlox pro komunikaci, a velikost Pi Pico
- The Raspberry Pi Pico Can’t Run Linux. But It Can Run Fuzix. | Hackaday - Fuzix on the Raspberry Pi Pico s tím, že Fuzix je primárně navržen pro 8-bity
- Lighted Raspberry Pico Stream Deck Is Easy As Pi | Hackaday
- Slick Web Oscilloscope Is Ready In A Flash (Literally) | Hackaday
- How Tiny Can A Microcontroller Dev Board Be! | Hackaday - ATTiny4 s 8 piny
- Beautiful And Bouncy RGB LED Skirt Reacts To Movement | Hackaday
- This Slimline Word Clock Uses Laser Etching To Keep Things Simple | Hackaday
- Oddball X86 Instructions | Hackaday
- 30 FPS Flip-Dot Display Uses Cool Capacitor Trick | Hackaday
- Useful Build Tips For Making LED Panel Frames | Hackaday
- Print Chess Pieces, Then Defeat The Chess-Playing Printer | Hackaday
- Explore The Cosmos With This DIY Digital Telescope | Hackaday - objektiv na RPi HQ Camera + řízení paralaxního gimbalu
- A New Open-Source Farming Robot Takes Shape | Hackaday
- Volumetric OLED Display Shows Bladerunner Vibe, Curious Screen Tech | Hackaday - úžasný nápad na skutečně "3d" zobrazení - 8x transparentní OLED 128x56
- Wireless, Low Power E-Ink Weather Gadget | Hackaday - TTGO T5 - 2.13" eink
- OnShape To Robot Models Made Easier | Hackaday
- A PCB For A Quarter? | Hackaday
- Give Your Smart Home A Green Thumb With MQTT | Hackaday - ESP32 na modulu se senzorem do květináče a WiFi přenos
HW, robotika
- Open Source Hardware STMP1-OLinuXino-LIME2 industrial grade Linux computer update – Debian Buster and Ubuntu Focal with mainline Kernel 5.10.12 now supports almost everything | olimex
- Build a Raspberry Pi Line Following Robot! - Latest open tech from seeed studio - přes Groove senzory a HAT
- Introducing the High School Robotics Course by Jeremy Ellis - Latest open tech from seeed studio
- Deutsche Telekom IoT Gateway combines LoRaWAN and LTE-M
- Open hardware Raspberry Pi Pico VGA, SD Card, and Audio demo board to support QVGA video playback
- - Články: LGT8F328P - jak rozchodit klon ATmega328 v Arduino IDE. A funguje to vůbec? - cena pod dolar !
- Learn TinyML using Wio Terminal and Arduino IDE #2 Audio Scene Recognition and Mobile Notifications - Latest open tech from seeed studio
- Thonny – offline IDE Python editor « RoboDoupě - web nejen o robotice
- HowTo: Electronics - Build seven segment LED digit called "pxlDigit" from WS2812 LEDs - - Nerdy DIY HowTo's about electronic, 3D-printing and more.
- AI digital signage system combines Apollo Lake SoC with Myriad X AI accelerators
- Fun ESP32 Projects you need to try! - Latest open tech from seeed studio
- Build a Raspberry Pi CM4 4-Bay NAS with Wiretrustee Carrier board
- microByte ESP32 portable game console comes with a 1.3-inch display (Crowdfunding)
- - Novinky: Převod fontů na OLED/LCD/ePaper během několika kliků - Font Converter
- How to help developers to build Lora devices - Latest open tech from seeed studio
- Arduino IDE Support Announced for the Raspberry Pi Pico! - Latest open tech from seeed studio
- Sipeed Maix-II SoM and Devboard for AI/IoT/Machine Learning - Latest open tech from seeed studio
- K210 AI Accelerator Raspberry Pi pHAT targets secure AIoT projects (Crowdfunding)
- Totem RoboBoard X4 « RoboDoupě - web nejen o robotice - založené na ESP32
- Person Detection on Raspberry Pi Pico with ArduCAM and TensorFlow Lite
- - Novinky: Ovládání reflow pece přes webové prostředí s Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi Pico Gets supports for Rust, RT-Thread OS and FreeRTOS
- PICO-PI-IMX7 NXP i.MX7 SBC offered for under $20 (Promo) - RPi size
- Raspberry Pi, Pico! « RoboDoupě - web nejen o robotice
- Jetson AGX Xavier based Edge AI Platform supports 8 GMSL automotive cameras and 10Gbps Ethernet
- Arduino Blog » Optimizing a low-cost camera for machine vision
- ESP8266 board with 24-pin ATX connector drives RGB LED strips - přímé využití PC zdroje
- Ryzen Embedded V1807B AI Edge PC supports dual-slot graphics cards
- Lisperati1000 Lisp portable programming workstation features Raspberry Pi Zero W, ultra-wide display - 1920x480 px při 8.8"
- Začínáme programovat RoboBoard X4 « RoboDoupě - web nejen o robotice
- AAEON PICO-TGU4 Pico-ITX Tiger Lake UP3 SBC Comes with 2.5 GbE, SATA, HDMI & eDP
- Pebble Tracker nRF9160 GPS & cellular IoT platform connects to IoTeX blockchain (Crowdfunding)
- - Novinky: Projekty s Raspberry Pi Pico
- microZERO is a compact, Arduino compatible Microchip SAMD21 module (Crowdfunding) - včetně SPI Flash, protexted I/O, bloku napájení ...
- SolidRun CuBox-M 2-inch Arm Linux/Android mini PC packs a 2.3 TOPS AI accelerator - 50x50x50mm
- Geniatech RK3568 Development Board to support Android 11 and Linux
- Feather compatible shield Integrates BG96 Module with LTE Cat-M1, NB-IoT, and GPS
- Pine64 unveils Quartz64 SBC powered by Rockchip RK3566 SoC
- TTGO T-Watch-2020 V3 ESP32 watch adds microphone for voice control
- MaaXBoard Nano SBC targets audio and edge IoT with NXP i.MX 8M Nano SoC
- ESP32 TouchDown comes with 3.5-inch display for custom control interfaces
- Open-source H.265/HEVC Hantro G2 decoder driver added to NXP i.MX 8M in Linux
- $10 LoRa-E5 STM32WL module offers LoRaWAN networking in a 12x12mm package
- Pine64 plánuje cenově ještě dostupnější SBC s RISC-V |
- PoE powered AI Edge computer combines NXP i.MX 8M SoC with Google Edge TPU
- Hello RISC-V! We got samples of the new ESP32-C3 module and it is only 13×17 mm | olimex
- Fuzix Unix-like operating system ported to Raspberry Pi Pico and ESP8266
- STM32MP1 Linux SoM fits into Pico-ITX carrier board - na modulu i wifi
- - Články: ESP32-C3: vývojový kit a vývojový nástroj ESP-IDF. Jak začít? - to je ten RiscV s pinoutem 8266
- Maker Pi Pico STEM board mini review with CircuitPython
- ESP32-PICO-V3-ZERO-DevKit targets Amazon Alexa Connect Kit (ACK) development
- - Novinky: Hotové hodinky, které si sami naprogramujete. - nejen TTGO
- STM32U5 Cortex-M33 MCU gets more performance, 2D graphics accelerator, and advanced security
- Embedded Artists launches 1GHz NXP i.MX RT1176 Crossover MCU module and devkit
- Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 industrial carrier board supports M.2 NVMe SSD, 4G LTE modem
- Arduino MKR IoT Carrier embeds display, sensors, and I/Os for IoT projects
- StereoPi v2 stereoscopic camera is powered by Raspberry Pi CM4 (Crowdfunding)
- Crowbits magnetic blocks for STEM Education work with Arduino, Micro:bit, ESP32, and Raspberry Pi (Crowdfunding)
- Kiwikit Raspberry Pi Pico baseboard takes off-the-shelf modules
- STM32WB5MMG Wireless Module simplifies Bluetooth LE, Zigbee, OpenThread connectivity
- AWS IoT EduKit leverages M5Stack Core2 ESP32 hardware
- STM32WL based LoRa-5E development kits go for $19.90 and up - v Arduino formátu (klasický a mini), vyrábí SeedStudio
- Infineon AIROC CYW5557x WiFI 6/6E targets IoT and streaming devices
- Banana Pi BPI-M2 Pro is a compact Amlogic S905X3 SBC
- It's raining i.MX 8M Plus systems-on-module at Embedded World 2021
- - Články: Arduino mini mobil - pomocí SIM 800L za "pár drobných"
- Raspberry Pi RP2040 boards are coming with... HDMI? - nutno ovšem přetaktovat
- tCam-Mini IR thermal camera board ships with ESP32 module
- NVIDIA introduces lower cost Jetson TX2 NX SO-DIMM module
- 3.5-inch Atom x6000E embedded SBC features 3x GbE, 2x SATA, 6x USB, and more
- A neat way to add a reset button to Raspberry Pi Pico
- Raspberry Pi CM4 Carrier Board comes with RS485/Modbus, CAN, 1-wire interfaces (Crowdfunding)
- Wi-Fi for LoRa Switch: A Simple, Innovative DIY Engineering Solution | Elektor Magazine - ESP01 jako řízení spínače
- Komunikace v distribuovaných systémech: synchronní komunikace typu požadavek a odpověď -
- Automatické ovládání aplikací s GUI využitím nástroje xdotool -
- Programovací jazyk R, Jupyter notebook a Jupytext -
- Wasmer Python embedding 1.0
- FutLabIS je nyní ReP | - vzorová aplikace rezervačního systému
- Sticky Header or Sticky Navigation Bar in Xamarin.Forms - Luis Matos
- 10 Tips to Avoid Common Mistakes in Xamarin.Forms App Development | Syncfusion Blogs
- IPython: jedno z nejpropracovanějších interaktivních prostředí pro práci s Pythonem -
- Jakým způsobem používat statické soubory v ASP.NET 5? |
- BBC BASIC i QBasic oslavují svá kulatá výročí -
- Komunikace v distribuovaných systémech: dynamické směrování -
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