- StrToNum - A Header-only Library to Convert char and wchar_t Text Strings to Numbers - CodeProject - v C++
- IntelliPort - An Alternative Windows Version to the Famous HyperTerminal - CodeProject - v MFC a umí i UDP
- IntelliFile - CodeProject - konurence pro TC to sice není, ale má FTP a umí i archivy ...
- IntelliTask - An Alternative Windows Version to the Famous Task Manager - CodeProject
- IntelliLink - An Alternative Windows Version to Online Link Managers - CodeProject
- C++11 FreeRTOS GCC - CodeProject
- Pathfinding Algorithms in C# - CodeProject - Djikstra a A*
- Open 16-bit Windows Applications Natively on 64-bit Windows Using OTVDM/winevdm - CodeProject - třeba starý VB5
- Troubleshooting Slow C++ Debugging with Visual Studio 2022 - CodeProject - pomůže nastavení v Settings ?
- Simon Says, A Child's Game - CodeProject - Nucleo C031+ VoicePlayback Modul
- Automating OpenOffice Calc from Visual Studio 2022 using C# - CodeProject
- Solving Differential Equations - General Theory and Numerical Integration - CodeProject - v teorii plno "ošklivých" rovnic
- LogViewer Control for WinForms, WPF, and Avalonia in C# & VB - CodeProject - nově má umět i Log4Net
- Using the New ESP32 LCD Panel API With htcw_gfx and htcw_uix - CodeProject - umí zobrazit i SVG ?
- Simple C++ DirectShow MP3 Player Class - CodeProject
- Propagation of Sound in a Room - CodeProject - výpočet Helmholtzovy rovnice
- HTML5 Event Calendar/Scheduler - CodeProject
- BookCars - Car Rental Platform with Mobile App - CodeProject - dlouhé a detailní, používá plno frameworků a knihoven
- Sound Builder, Web Audio Synthesizer - CodeProject
- Alternative Analog SVG Clock - CodeProject - v JS ?
- Implementing Text-to-Speech in C# using System.Speech.Synthesis - CodeProject - podezřele jednoduché
- i2cu: An I2C Bus Probe Tool for the TTGO T1 Display - CodeProject
- i2cu Take Two: Serial and I2C Probe in a Handy Package - CodeProject
- .NET – 5 Free Decompilers - CodeProject
- PE Format Illustrated – Part 1 - CodeProject - Win i Linux
- PE Format Illustrated – Part 2 - CodeProject - a taky .Net
- libpe - PE32/PE32+ Binaries Viewer Library - CodeProject
- A Generic ESP LCD Panel API Initialization Routine - CodeProject
- Abacus - The Beaded Brain - CodeProject - simulátor počítadla
- Shell Programming Secrets Nobody Talks About (Part 1) - CodeProject - brr, není to moc jednoduché
- A Simple Sliding Puzzle - CodeProject
- Kigs Framework Introduction (1/8) - CodeProject - C/C++
- .NET App Settings Demystified (C# & VB) - CodeProject
- FAT-32 Sorter - Utility that Sorts the Files' Table in the FAT32 File System - CodeProject
- Writing Custom Control with New WPF XAML Designer - CodeProject - něco ve WpfCore
- C# - Value Object Pattern, Data Transfer Object Pattern - CodeProject
- async void – How to Tame the Asynchronous Nightmare - CodeProject
- ARM Tutorial Part 1 Clocks - CodeProject - začátek na Nucleo STM32F411
- ResizableLib - A Set of Classes to Ease the Development of Resizable Windows with MFC - CodeProject
- Styling Apps with CSS in .NET MAUI
- Design a Windows Explorer Extension with SharpShell - CodeProject
- VB & C# .NET/WinForms: Language Selector ComboBox - CodeProject
- Direct2D Tutorial Part 5: Text Display and Font Enumeration - CodeProject - pro C++
- A TTGO Display T1 Based Fan Widget - CodeProject
- TTGO Fan Take 2 - CodeProject
- A PWM Based Fan Controller for Arduino - CodeProject - ale je to ESP32
- Miller Columns for WPF - CodeProject
- The Amazing ProgressBar Control - CodeProject - cool
- Recreating Gdiplus Hatches with SkiaSharp - CodeProject
- Network Sniffer and Analyzer Program - Part 3 - CodeProject - naštěstí v C#
- A Beginners Guide for LINQ with C# - CodeProject
- Phone Chat with Web Sockets - CodeProject
- Creating a Resource-Only DLL - CodeProject
- A Sonos Speaker System Remote for the TTGO T-Display v1 - CodeProject
- Minimal March – Part 1: Getting Started with .NET and C# at the Command-line - CodeProject
- CaptureManager SDK - Capturing, Recording and Streaming Video and Audio from Web-Cams - CodeProject - další verze, má to WPF komponenty
- Implementing an Asynchronous Named Pipe Server - Part 1 - CodeProject
- Simpler lock usage in C# - CodeProject
- MySqlExpress - Simplifies the Usage of MySQL in C#/.NET - CodeProject - pomáhá generovat části kódu podle DB ?
- The Spiral TrackBar Control - CodeProject
- Color Formats in CSS - hex, rgb, hsl, lab
- Convert HTML to PDF by Using Microsoft Edge in ASP.NET WebForms - CodeProject
- A Collection of Simple Widgets - CodeProject - pro WinForms
- Embedding Native (Windows and Linux) Views/Controls/Applications into Avalonia Applications in Easy Samples - CodeProject
- XPence: A WPF Metro Style, Smart Client Expense Tracker - CodeProject
- Large-screen design patterns - Surface Duo Blog - z pohledu Android-aplikací
- Sharpword - A Wordle Clone Using C# - CodeProject
- Using I²C Sensors With Any Linux Via USB And IIO | Hackaday - modulek s ATTiny a USB
- TEGA: Typescript Embedded Game Boy (Macro) Assembler | Hackaday
- MikroLeo, A 4-Bit Retro Learning Platform | Hackaday
- Here’s A Plain C/C++ Implementation Of AI Speech Recognition, So Get Hackin’ | Hackaday
- Magic Mirror – On A Low CPU Budget | Hackaday
- Circular Binary Clock Uses The Power To Tell Time | Hackaday
- Making Paper Strandbeester | Hackaday
- Racing Cars On A PCB | Hackaday
- Meat-Space Minesweeper Game Hits The Mark | Hackaday
- Tidy POV Display Using The ESP32 | Hackaday
- Home-Built CPU Runs With Home-Built Toolchain | Hackaday
- Minimalist 6502 System Uses A CPU And Not Much Else | Hackaday
- Making SVD Files Searchable With Svd2db | Hackaday
- Driving E-Paper Displays With Memory Limited MCUs | Hackaday
- Motion-Activated Clock Only Lights Up On Command | Hackaday
- Top Up Your Teapot In Time With This E-ink Tea Timer | Hackaday
- HUD-Like Clock Is A Transparent Time Display | Hackaday
- Open World 3D Game Runs On The RP2040 Microcontroller | Hackaday - hodně promakané - GitHub - bernhardstrobl/Pico3D: Pico3D Engine source code for the PicoSystem
- Push ESP32 Over The Air Updates From GitHub | Hackaday
- Serial Cistercian Digit Module | Hackaday - umí zobrazit "najednou" 4-ciferná čísla - Cistercian Display – Savage Electronics Blog
- ESP32 Projects From Northwestern University’s Embedded Electronics Class | Hackaday
- All About USB-C: Cable Types | Hackaday
- Roll Your Own WiFi Driver For The Pico W | Hackaday
- CGA Competitors From The 1980s | Hackaday - ranná 80-tá léta před EGA
- Retro Alarm Clock With Nixies Is Thoroughly Modern Inside | Hackaday
- PDP-8 Plays Period Popcorn Piece | Hackaday
- Flipper Zero Hacker Tool Gets UI Editor For Custom Apps | Hackaday - GUI generátor ?
- Printed Propeller Blades Repair Indoor Flyer | Hackaday
- Nostalgic 30-in-ONE Electronics Badge For DEF CON 30 | Hackaday
- Recreating The Sounds Of The ’90s With A YM3812 Synthesizer | Hackaday
- A Tiny RISC-V Emulator Runs Linux With No MMU. And Yes, It Runs DOOM! | Hackaday
- Pi Pico QR Display Hands Out WiFi Info With Style | Hackaday
- Review: Inkplate 2 Shrinks Down, Adds Color | Hackaday
- Epic Guide To Bare-Metal STM32 Programming | Hackaday
- Rocket Switch – Accessibility Done With Elegance | Hackaday
- Dekatron Clock Tells The Time, Sans Semiconductors | Hackaday
- How Realtime Is Your Kernel? Scope A GPIO To Find Out | Hackaday
- A Cycle-Accurate Intel 8088 Core For All Your Retro PC Needs | Hackaday
- Bit-Banging Bidirectional Ethernet On A Pi Pico | Hackaday
- Drone Rescue Uses VHS Tape And Careful Planning | Hackaday
- Spotify Player Brings Back Physical Media | Hackaday - pomocí RFID tagů
- Blinky Project Is 6502s All The Way Down | Hackaday - (několik ??) 6502 emulátorů na PIC32
- This WiFi Signal Strength Meter Ain’t Afraid Of No Ghosts | Hackaday
- Working With I2S-Compatible FM Tuners | Hackaday
- GitHub ESP32 OTA Updates, Now In MicroPython Flavor | Hackaday
- Beat Backing Box For Bassists | Hackaday
- GB Interceptor Enables Live Screen Capture From Game Boy | Hackaday - mezi-konektor slotu cartridge a běží na RP2040 - odchytává komunikaci s VRAM
- 2022 FPV Contest: A Poor Man’s Journey Into FPV | Hackaday
- Arduboy Mini Is A Fresh Take On An 8-bit Favorite | Hackaday
- Alpakka: A Creative Commons Game Controller | Hackaday - vizuálně pěkný, uvnitř RP2040
- The Coleman Z80 Is A Modern Take On A 1970s Computer | Hackaday
- More Detail On That Fantastic Lego OLED Brick | Hackaday - viz. také LEGO brick with Raspberry Pi RP2040 runs Doom - CNX Software
- It’s Ethernet, From An SPI Interface | Hackaday - nutná hodně low-level analýza - Ethernet transceiver | Ivan's blog a běhá snad i na STM32F100 ?
- Snail Mail Notifier’s Simple Power Management To Maximize Battery Life | Hackaday
- IO Connected Radio Alarm Clock | Hackaday - velké znaky na 4x20 LCD
- Z8000 Trump Card Needs Your Help | Hackaday - (asi ISA) karta
- ImHex: An Open Hex Editor For The Modern Hacker | Hackaday - fakt pěkný
- Arduino-Powered Info Display For Your Windows Computer | Hackaday - krabice obří, ale je to funkční
- A Simple Serial Display | Hackaday - 2x 8x 7seg s MAX7219
- Spaceballs Get Serialized | Hackaday - převodník USB-UART
- Forth Cracks RISC-V | Hackaday - na GD32 modulku
- Classic Video Chip Drives A Modern TFT | Hackaday - řadič TI TMS9928A z roku ? 1983
- Wireless CNC Pendant Implemented With ESP-NOW | Hackaday
- Arduino Synthesizer Uses Modified Slide Pots | Hackaday - FM syntéza hraje celkem použitelně
- Squeezing A Minimalist 6502 Retrocomputer Onto A Single Breadboard | Hackaday
- LEDCard: The Pocketable Ring Light | Hackaday
- This Fingernail Sticker Can Detect When You Stop Breathing | Hackaday
- NABU PC Gets CPU Upgrade, Emulates A TRS-80 | Hackaday
- Battery-Powered ESP8266 Sensor? Never Been Simpler | Hackaday
- Want To Play With FPGAs? Use Your Pico! | Hackaday
- Building A New Commodore 64 In 2022 With All New Components | Hackaday - DusteDs home in cyberspace :: A Commodore64 made in 2022 - zajímavé náhrady obvodů
- The ZX Spectrum Finally Gets A Proper Keyboard | Hackaday
- 3D-Printed Self-Balancing Robot Brings Control Theory To Life | Hackaday
- Teensy Twofer Of Plug-In Emulated Retro CPUs | Hackaday
- Connecting Commercial 433 MHz Sensors To MQTT And Home Assistant With RTL-SDR | Hackaday
- An Unexpected Amiga Network Interface | Hackaday - s RPi Zero - tahá si NTP ...
- RP2040 DMA Hack Makes Another ‘CPU Core’ | Hackaday
- That Old ThinkPad Needs An Open Source 2.5″ IDE SSD | Hackaday
- Addressable LEDs From A Z80 | Hackaday
- From A 6502 Breadboard Computer To Lode Runner And Beyond | Hackaday
- Giving An Old Typewriter A Mind Of Its Own With GPT-3 | Hackaday
- Inside The Atari 2600 | Hackaday
- A Number Maze For Younger Hackers | Hackaday
- Swap The Clock Chip On The Mac SE/30 With An ATTiny85 | Hackaday
- Arduino Library Brings Rtl_433 To The ESP32 | Hackaday
- Wireless MiniDisc Walkman Has Bluetooth Inside | Hackaday
- 3D-Printed Servo Motor Has 360 Degrees Of Rotation | Hackaday
- Reverse-Engineering The Conditional Jump Circuitry In The 8086 Processor | Hackaday
- I’ve Been Printing On The Dragon Railroad… | Hackaday - 3D tištěné, 1:64 měřítko
- New Commodore VIC-20 Build | Hackaday
- Generating PAL Video With A Heavily Overclocked Pi Pico | Hackaday
- Minimalist Homebrew Hardware Recreates Arcade Classics | Hackaday - s ATMeega644
- Let This Minimal Desktop Weather Display Point The Way | Hackaday - stačí 2 serva pro vizualizaci
- Classic Calculators Emulated In Browser | Hackaday
- Pi Pico Breathes New Life Into Original PlayStation | Hackaday - emulátor CD mechaniky
- An Instant Camera Using E-Paper As Film | Hackaday - něco jako Polaroid ?
- Homebrew Ball Drop Machine Rings In The New Year | Hackaday
- SDR Scanner Listens To Everything | Hackaday
- Arduino Does SDI Video With FPGA Help | Hackaday - je to teda MKR Vidor, takže "lepší" Arduino
- Reliving A Bitmapped Past With A Veritable Hoard Of Bitmap Fonts | Hackaday - vytažené z ROMek ? - GitHub - robhagemans/hoard-of-bitfonts: turns out I like bitmap fonts a ktomu i prohlížeč YAFF souborů - Hoard of bitfonts
- The WiC64 Brings Classic Commodores Online, Google Maps Included | Hackaday
- Need To Dump A Protected STM32F0x? Use Your Pico! | Hackaday
- A Disposable Dumper For ROM Chips With A Pi Pico | Hackaday
- Let’s Make SCPI More Helpful | Hackaday
- Not A Pot, Not An Encoder: Exploring Synchros For Rotational Sensing | Hackaday
- OpenSPICE: A Portable Python Circuit Simulator | Hackaday
- Too Cool For 8-bit Retro? Try 1-bit Gaming | Hackaday - pár hradel ?
- Parametric Press Unravels The JPEG Format | Hackaday
- This CRT-Style Pi Portable Gets All The Details Right | Hackaday
- Raspberry Pi Weather Station Features Wireless Sensor Nodes | Hackaday
- Reverse Engineering E-Ink Price Tags | Hackaday
- ESP32 Web Updater Allows File System Management And OTA Updates | Hackaday
- Puya PY32: The Cheapest Flash Microcontroller You Can Buy Is Actually An ARM Cortex-M0+ | Hackaday
- Decoding 433 MHz Signals With Arduino & Raspberry Pi | Hackaday
- Retro Gadgets: Nintendo R.O.B Wanted To Be Your Friend | Hackaday
- Decoding Compact Disc Audio From Scratch | Hackaday
- Realistic Animatronic Eyes Are An Easy DIY Build | Hackaday - vylepšená mechanika
- Emulating All The TRS-80 Software | Hackaday
- Floppy-8 Is A Tiny PC In A Floppy Drive | Hackaday - uvnitř je LattePanda
- A Loving Look Inside Vacuum Fluorescent Displays | Hackaday
- DIY STM32 Scope Is Simple, Cheap, And Featureful | Hackaday
- Pushing Crates In 8-bit Color | Hackaday
- Sailing On A Sea Of Seven-Segment Displays | Hackaday
- Testing The Raspberry Pi Debug Probe | Hackaday - také New Product: The Raspberry Pi Debug Probe | Hackaday
- Drawing Knots On An Oscilloscope Using Analog Means | Hackaday
- Exploring The History Of EPROM In The Soviet Union | Hackaday
- Tidy Breadboard Uses Banana Bread | Hackaday
- Digital Library Of Amateur Radio And Communications Is A Treasure Trove | Hackaday
- Wi-Fi Sensor For Rapid Prototyping | Hackaday
- CP/M 6502-Style | Hackaday - GitHub - Dietrich-L/CPM-65: CP/M-80 analog operating system for 6502 CPU incl. Utilities
- Blender And OpenEMS Teamed Up Make Stunning Simulations | Hackaday
- Working With Old High-Voltage EPROMs Is Fussy | Hackaday - ROMky pro Atari7800
- Modern Dance Or Full-Body Keyboard? Why Not Both! | Hackaday
- EPROM Does VGA | Hackaday - generování z paměti včetně H/VSync
- Long-Distance Gaming Over Packet Radio | Hackaday - na PDP-11
- The 4004 Upgrade You’ve Been Waiting For | Hackaday
- Recreating The ZX Spectrum Unboxing Experience By Manufacturing A New Boxed One | Hackaday - PCB - ZX Spectrum 48 Issue 3B Redrawn - Share Project - PCBWay + ZX Spectrum Issue 3B Parts List – Lost Retro Tapes ... ULA na FPGA s redukcí na DIL
- Inside Digital Image Chips | Hackaday
- Hands-On: NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit | Hackaday
- New Part Day: TI Jumps In To The Cheap MCU Market | Hackaday
- Working Artificial Horizon Built Into A Single LEGO Brick | Hackaday
- RP2040 Runs Linux Through RISC-V Emulation | Hackaday
- It’s A 486 Computer, On A Breadboard | Hackaday
- DOOM Ported To A Single LEGO Brick | Hackaday
- 8086 Multiply Algorithm Gets Reverse Engineered | Hackaday - až na hradla na čipu ...
- Raspberry Pi Adds Second Laptop Monitor | Hackaday
- E-Paper Wall Paper | Hackaday - 5x9 panelů 7.4"
- The International Space Station Is Always Up There | Hackaday - samozřejmě s ESP32
- Classic Gaming With FPGA And ATX | Hackaday
- Efficient X86_64 Emulation With Box86 | Hackaday
- Large E-Paper Slow Movie Player Offers Great Docs | Hackaday - panel 10.3"
- A Retro-Style Trainer For Motorola’s 1-Bit Chip | Hackaday
- Low-Power Wi-Fi Includes E-Paper Display | Hackaday
- Cornell Updates Their MCU Course For The RP2040 | Hackaday
- Videos Teach Bare Metal RP2040 | Hackaday
- A Guided Tour Of The NES | Hackaday
- Scratch Built Amiga 2000 Stacks Up The Mods | Hackaday
- Pi Picos Give Casio FX9000P Its Memory Back | Hackaday
- The Future Of RISC-V And The VisionFive 2 Single Board Computer | Hackaday
- Programming SPI Flash Chips? Use Your Pico! | Hackaday
- SCSI: The Disk Bus For Everything | Hackaday
- A Mega-Tiny Arduino | Hackaday
- A CH32V003 Toolchain — If You Can Get One To Try It On | Hackaday
- A Thoroughly Modern Serial Terminal | Hackaday
- Watch Time Slide By With This Electromechanical Clock | Hackaday - mechanicky úžasné
- Digital Library Of Amateur Radio And Communications Is A Treasure Trove | Hackaday
- Pi Microcontroller Still Runs A Webserver | Hackaday
- Spice Up The Humble 16×2 LCD With Big Digits | Hackaday - dokonce i různé "fonty"
- Printing Antennas On Circuit Boards | Hackaday
- RP2040 And 5V Logic – Best Friends? This FX9000P Confirms! | Hackaday
HW, robotika
- Arducam OCam AI camera adds context to video streams in real-time with the PhysicO platform - CNX Software
- Rikomagic RKM V7 - A Rockchip RK3568-powered Android 11 HDMI TV stick - CNX Software
- Radxa Taco - A Raspberry Pi CM4 carrier board made for NAS with 5x SATA ports - CNX Software
- Inkplate 2 is a 2.13-inch WiFi ePaper display programmable with Arduino or MicroPython (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- MSI MS-98M3 3.5-inch SBC is made for autonomous mobile robots - CNX Software
- LOLIN S3 Pro ESP32-S3 board offers display port, MicroSD card slot - CNX Software
- Raspberry Pi RP2040 development board doubles as a magnetic rotary encoder - CNX Software
- Banana Pi BPI-M6 SBC features SenaryTech SN3680 quad-core Cortex-A73 AI processor - CNX Software
- EsPiFF board combines ESP32 module with RP2040 MCU in the Raspberry Pi 4 form factor (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- Air32F103 is a clone of STM32F103 clocked at up to 216 MHz - CNX Software
- PineTab2 Linux tablet to feature Rockchip RK3566 SoC, up to 8GB RAM, 128GB eMMC flash - CNX Software
- - Novinky: Naprosto jednoduchý simulátor Arduino a pár externími součástkami - WithDiode - hodně ranná verze
- LapPi 2.0 - A DIY laptop for Raspberry Pi 4 and other single board computers (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- Sipeed LM4A - T-Head TH1520 RISC-V module to power Raspberry Pi 4 competitor and cluster board - CNX Software
- Rockchip RK3588 system-on-module exposes 400 pins through high-density connectors - CNX Software
- Olimex AgonLight2 8-bit open-source hardware computer sells for 50 Euros - CNX Software - eZ80F92 (na 18M) a ESP32 jako terminálové rozhraní
- » Mindstorms Pong - na nové "kostce" v (zřejmě micro-)Pythonu
- Arduino PLC IDE released for the Portenta Machine Control unit, and soon Opta micro PLC - CNX Software
- Bee Motion S3 - An ESP32-S3 board with a PIR motion sensor (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- Hand Gesture Recognition on ESP32-S3 with the ESP-DL library - CNX Software
- Add an ePaper display to Raspberry Pi Pico W with EnkPi 2.9-inch to 7.5-inch displays (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- $200 Swarm M138 kit enables two-way satellite connectivity for IoT projects - CNX Software
- MeLE PCG02 Pro Review - A Fanless Intel Celeron J4125 / N5105 mini PC with an ultra-compact form factor - CNX Software
- UniHiker education platform teaches STEM with Mind+ and Jupyter (in China) - CNX Software
- Cool Pi 4 Model B - A much faster alternative to Raspberry Pi 4 SBC - CNX Software
- PiTalk 4G HAT for Raspberry Pi / 4G USB dongle targets M2M and IoT applications (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- M5Stack T-Lite Wi-Fi thermal camera integrates 1.14-inch color display - CNX Software
- Adding an external serial console port to NanoPi R6S - CNX Software
- Merlot is an open-source hardware tricolor wireless E-paper display - CNX Software - 4,2" + ESP32
- Meadow F7v2 Feather STM32F7 MCU board supports .NET, C# programing - CNX Software
- DROPLET irrigation system works with ESPhome and Home assistant - CNX Software
- Banana BPI-Bit-S2 BBC Micro:bit compatible board supports WiFi - CNX Software - s ESP32
- ArduCam Mega - A 3MP or 5MP SPI camera for microcontrollers (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- EdgeBox-ESP-100 - An ESP32-S3 industrial controller with RS485, CAN Bus, DIO, 4G LTE, and more - CNX Software
- Fixing “REENT malloc succeeded” Assertion | MCU on Eclipse
- OpenPLC open-source Programmable Logic Controller Suite works with Arduino, ESP8266/ESP32, Raspberry Pi, etc. - CNX Software
- Kontron D3724-R mSTX - A Mini-STX motherboard based on Ryzen Embedded R2000 CPU - CNX Software
- ESP32-C6 WiFi 6, BLE, and 802.15.4 module and development board launched! - CNX Software - ale jen single-core RISC-V
- Arduino MKR IoT Carrier Rev2 gets a Bosch BME688 4-in-1 environmental sensor - CNX Software
- Low-cost STM32C0 32-bit microcontroller aims to displace 8-bit MCUs - CNX Software
- Maker Feather AIoT S3 - An ESP32-S3 board programmable with CircuitPython or Arduino - CNX Software
- MistySoM Renesas RZ/G2L or RZ/V2L SoM and devkit goes for $112 and up - CNX Software
- GL.iNet GL-MT3000 pocket-sized Wi-Fi 6 Router review - Part 1: Specs, unboxing, and teardown - CNX Software
- Make your own micro FPV drone racing gate | Arduino Blog - průletová brána - měří UZ
- Sub-$5 Cavli C16QS CAT1.bis cellular IoT module features Qualcomm QCX216 modem - CNX Software
- - Novinky: ESP32-P4. Slibuje frekvenci jádra 400MHz, dedikované instrukce pro strojové učení a spoustu GPIO pinů. Spatří ale světlo světa? - resp. Espressif ESP32-P4 - A 400 MHz general-purpose dual-core RISC-V microcontroller - CNX Software
- Banana Pi BPI-CM4 Amlogic A311D system-on-module launched for $95 - CNX Software
- NXP i.MX 95 processor features Cortex-A55, Cortex-M33, and Cortex-M7 cores, eIQ Neutron NPU - CNX Software
- Raspberry Pi Pico W to get Bluetooth LE support very soon - CNX Software
- - Novinky: ChatGPT píše kód pro Arduino Wemos D1, PHP, MySQL, Javascript. Funkční kód aniž by člověk napsal jediný řádek kódu.
- Walter ESP32-S3 board supports NB-IoT, LTE-M, and GPS - CNX Software
- Pico-ITX SBC features NXP i.MX 93 LGA system-on-module - CNX Software
- - Novinky: Chytrý telefon + Raspberry Pi Pico = přenosný osciloskop a logický analyzátor v jednom. Díky Scoppy!
- Banana Pi BPI-Pico-RP2040 - Raspberry Pi Pico replica gets USB-C port, I2C connector, and RGB LED - CNX Software
- $4 DshanMCU Pitaya Lite board comes with MM32 Arm Cortex-M3 microcontroller - CNX Software
- Geniatech DS-3566 digital signage board is powered by a Rockchip RK3566 SoC - CNX Software
- Lichee Pi 4A RISC-V SBC takes on Raspberry Pi 4 with TH1520 processor - CNX Software
- ARM SWO ITM Console Bidirectional Standard I/O Retargeting | MCU on Eclipse
- Arduino Nicla Voice enables always-on speech recognition with Syntiant NDP120 "Neural Decision Processor" - CNX Software
- Which Embedded GCC Standard Library? newlib, newlib-nano, … | MCU on Eclipse
- LILYGO T-QT Pro 0.85-inch WiFi IoT display adds support for battery charging - CNX Software
- SOCORAD32 ESP32 walkie-talkie board also supports data communication (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- HackyPi Raspberry Pi RP2040 USB dongle serves as an educational "hacking" tool (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software - s SD kartou
- Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 review - HDR, autofocus, wide angle, and NoIR camera - CNX Software
- Update your ESP32 boards over-the-air (OTA) with Arduino Cloud | Arduino Blog
- HPMicro HPM64G0 - A 1 GHz RISC-V microcontroller - CNX Software
- LILYGO T-RSC3 ESP32-C3 board features isolated RS232 & RS485 interfaces, 5 to 24V DC input - CNX Software
- - Novinky: Fantastická mapa České republiky. Co okres, to jedna adresovatelná RGB LED. - dostupné podklady, data z
- CHIPSEA CST85F01 480 MHz Cortex-M4 MCU supports dual-band WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5.0 LE - CNX Software
- Teledyne e2v releases Hydra3+ high-resolution ToF sensor with 832 x 600 resolution - CNX Software
- FindBoard is another single board computer database - CNX Software
- ultraArm P340 Arduino-based robotic arm draws, engraves, and grabs - CNX Software
- 433 MHz is not dead! Using an ESP32 board with LoRa module to talk to 433 MHz sensors - CNX Software - připojení OpenMQTT gateway
- STM32Cube.AI Developer Cloud generates AI workloads for STM32 microcontrollers - CNX Software
- An awesome new open source long-range RC transmitter | Arduino Blog - digitální modula DSS
- MicroBlocks is a visual programming IDE for 32-bit microcontrollers - CNX Software
- 9Tripod Pico Pi V2.0 SBC features Rockchip RK3588S SoC in Raspberry Pi 4 form factor - CNX Software
- Balthazar - An open-source hardware modular RISC-V, Arm, or FPGA laptop - CNX Software - v základu to počítá s modulem CM4
- Adding the Picolib C/C++ Standard Library to an existing GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain | MCU on Eclipse - i se srovnáním footprintu dalších knihoven
- Raspberry Pi CM4 based 7-inch industrial Panel PC takes IO board with RS232, 12V-24V inputs and outputs - CNX Software
- Eoxys Xeno+ Nano ML board combines NuMicro M2354 or STM32L4 MCU with Talaria TWO ultra low power WiFi & BLE 5.0 module - CNX Software
- Meet Puya PY32 - The 8-cent Arm Cortex-M0+ microcontroller - CNX Software - 3kB SRAM, 20kB FLASH, pouzdro od SOP8
- VAR-SOM-AM62 System-on-Module features TI AM625x Cortex-A53/M4 SoC - CNX Software
- ESP32 MPY-Jama is a MicroPython IDE for ESP32 boards - CNX Software
- EDATEC CM4 Industrial - An Raspberry Pi CM4 computer for IIoT, automation, and industrial control - CNX Software
- Programování elektroniky: Proměnili jsme starý školní mikroskop v digitální dělo – Živě.cz - je tam zajímavý ten SW postprocessing
- Debugging Embedded Targets with pyOCD and Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse
- M5Stack ATOMS3 Lite is a tiny ESP32-S3 IoT controller with WiFi, Bluetooth, and an infrared transmitter - CNX Software
- Nordic Semi nRF7002 DK low-power dual-band WiFi 6 IoT development kit launched for $56 and up - CNX Software
- Eduponics Mini v2.0 Smart Agriculture IoT kit gets more flash, new sensors, 4-channel valve board (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- Beken BK7256 320 MHz dual-core RISC-V IoT MCU offers WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.2, JPEG video encoder/decoder - CNX Software
- - Novinky: STM32C0 jsou ultralevné a výkonné 32bitové mikrokontroléry
- XGO 2 - A Raspberry Pi CM4 based robot dog with an arm (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- WinLink E850-96Board SBC is powered by Samsung Exynos 850 Octa-core Cortex-A55 SoC - CNX Software
- USB Cereal is an open-source hardware USB-C debugging & development tool (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- T-Display-S3 Touch ESP32-S3 board adds a touchscreen panel - CNX Software
- Arduino-programmable EtherCAT master runs FreeDOS on Vortex86EX2 x86 processor - CNX Software
- M5Stamp S3 WiFi and BLE IoT module offers up to 23 GPIOs through 2.54mm and 1.27mm pitch holes - CNX Software
- Compute Blade - A Rack-mountable PoE-powered Raspberry Pi CM4 carrier board with an NVMe SSD (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- Hands-on experience with StarFive VisionFive 2 RISC-V SBC using Debian 12 - CNX Software
- Using MQTT with the Raspberry Pi Pico W and HomeAssistant for an Optimized Solar Energy Electrical Vehicle Charger | MCU on Eclipse
- Avoiding Stack Overflows: Application Monitoring the Stack Usage | MCU on Eclipse
- URVE Board Pi RK3566 SBC comes with RTC, eMMC flash, and M.2 SSD socket - CNX Software
- Raspberry Pi 400 powers dual-display retro-gaming console - CNX Software
- UP Squared Pro 7000 SBC features up to Intel Core i3-N305 Alder Lake-N processor, up to 16GB LPDDR5 - CNX Software
- Controlling a model railroad with a vintage Atari ST | Arduino Blog
- ePulse Feather ESP32 development board is optimized for low power consumption (in deep sleep) - CNX Software
- IDE Custom C/C++ Local Build Environment | MCU on Eclipse
- 2-channel DSO-500K WiFi oscilloscope is based on Raspberry Pi Pico W board - CNX Software
- STMicro adds more STM32U5 Cortex-M33 MCUs with NeoChrom 2.5D GPU, 128KB to 4MB flash, NIST certification, etc... - CNX Software
- CH32V003 RISC-V MCU gets $1.5 development board, open source GCC toolchain and flasher utility - CNX Software
- Badger 2040 W e-Paper display gets WiFi & Bluetooth with Raspberry Pi Pico W - CNX Software
- Raspberry Pi Debug Probe eases bare metal development for $12 - CNX Software
- ODROID-H3+ SBC review with "Unlimited Performance" mode and 2.5GbE Net Card - CNX Software
- Tiny ESP32-C6 IoT board supports 2.4 Ghz WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy, and 802.15.4 radio - CNX Software
- Add Z-Wave LR (Long Range) to Raspberry Pi or Home Assistant Yellow with Zooz 800 Series USB stick or GPIO Module - CNX Software v Evropě na 868MHz
- Raspberry Pi RP2040 pHAT board comes with a 40-pin GPIO header - CNX Software
- ESP32-S3 based 1.28-inch round touchscreen display supports Arduino programming - CNX Software
- Renesas RZ/G2L CPU module targets HMI and IoT gateway applications - CNX Software
- PiEEG shield for Raspberry Pi enables brain computer interfaces (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- - Články: ESP32 s displejem, Telegram Botem a upozorněním z ČHMÚ
- Arduino GIGA – kanón na vrabce? « RoboDoupě - web nejen o robotice
- Arduino GIGA – první dojmy « RoboDoupě - web nejen o robotice
- RP2040 with PIO and DMA to address WS2812B LEDs | MCU on Eclipse
- STMicro STLINK-V3PWR debugging & programming probe supports power measurement - CNX Software
- XIAO ESP32S3 board gets some senses with a camera and microphone module, plus a round touchscreen display - CNX Software
- conga-STDA4 SMARC 2.1 module features TI TDA4VM/DRA829J Jacinto 7 processor - CNX Software
- Servo and motor control with Raspberry Pi Pico, CircuitPython, and Wukong 2040 breakout board - CNX Software
- Tiny RASynBoard combines Renesas RA6M4 MCU with Syntiant NDP120 ML accelerator, WiFi & BLE module, and some sensors - CNX Software
- CM4 Maker Board review - Part 1: specifications, unboxing, and first boot - CNX Software
- Arduino UNO R4 Renesas RA4M1 32-bit maker board offered with optional ESP32-S3 WiFI & BLE module - CNX Software
- Plasma Stick 2040 W adds RGB LED strip controller to Raspberry Pi Pico W board - CNX Software
- Orange Pi 5B SBC adds up to 256GB eMMC flash, built-in WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5.0 module - CNX Software
- XIAO ESP32S3 is a tiny ESP32-S3 WiFi 4 and BLE 5.0 module for IoT, AI, and robotics - CNX Software
- BLE with WiFi and FreeRTOS on Raspberry Pi Pico-W | MCU on Eclipse
- - Novinky: Učit se, jak věci fungují zabavnou formou. Řízení křižovatky s Arduino.
- Infinity dodecahedron puts on a mesmerizing light show | Arduino Blog
- Renesas introduces 100 MHz RA4E2 and 200 MHz RA6E2 Arm Cortex-M33 MCUs for wearables, sensors, appliances - CNX Software
- Texas Instruments MSPM0 Arm Cortex-M0+ microcontrollers sell for 39 cents and up - CNX Software
- ROCK 3C SBC - A $39+ Raspberry Pi 3 lookalike with Rockchip RK3566-T AI SoC, M.2 NVMe SSD support - CNX Software
- MNT Pocket Reform open-source 7-inch modular laptop launched on Crowd Supply - CNX Software
- Silicon Labs announces MG27 and BG27 Bluetooth LE & 802.15.4 SoCs for small devices, healthcare - CNX Software
- Portenta C33 is a lower cost Arduino Pro board based on Renesas RA6M5 Arm Cortex-M33 MCU - CNX Software
- Banana Pi BPI-R3 Mini - A low-profile 2.5GbE router board powered by MediaTek Filogic 830 SoC - CNX Software
- Digi ConnectCore MP13 SoM with STM32MP13 MPU embeds Wi-Fi 5 and Bluetooth 5.2 module - CNX Software
- ASUS unveils Tinker V RISC-V single board computer, Tinker board 3 SBC with Rockchip RK3568 SoC - CNX Software
- Scrcpy 2.0 Android screen mirroring and control utility for PCs released with audio forwarding support - CNX Software
- Aspinity AB2 AML100 Arduino Shield supports ultra-low-power analog machine learning - CNX Software
- STMicro introduces cost-optimized STM32MP13 Cortex-A7 microprocessor - CNX Software
- Arduino UNO compatible Adafruit Metro M7 features 500 MHz NXP i.MX RT1011 Cortex-M7 SoC - CNX Software
- Using Semihosting the direct Way | MCU on Eclipse
- Microchip unveils Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) 10BASE-T1S and 100BASE-T1 Ethernet devices - CNX Software
- BeaglePlay - A $99 Texas Instruments AM625 industrial SBC with plenty of communication and expansion options - CNX Software
- Toradex Verdin AM62 - An entry-level Sitara AM623/AM625 SoM for Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, Healthcare... - CNX Software
- STMicro STM32H5 Arm Cortex-M33 MCU clocks at 250 MHz, supports STM32Trust TEE Secure Manager - CNX Software
- Review of micro:bit XGO Robot Kit - An educational robot dog with a Bluetooth joystick - CNX Software
- Riotee batteryless stackable IoT board embeds an nRF52833 module (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- Elfin-EW11 is a compact WiFi to RS485 unit with Modbus TCP support - CNX Software
- IoT board supports WiFi, Bluetooth, NB-IoT, Cat-M and GNSS with ESP32-S3 and SIM7080G modules - CNX Software
- Banana BPI-P2 Pro headless SBC features RK3308 CPU, PoE Ethernet, WiFi 5, audio jack - CNX Software
- Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi board launches with STM32H7 MCU, up to 76 I/O pins - CNX Software
- - Novinky: Arduino přichází s novou vývojovou deskou, má spoustu výkonu, GPIO, připojení na Wi-Fi i konektor pro kameru.
- GHLBD Android calculator mini review – An Allwinner A50-based Android 9.0 calculator - CNX Software
- Floppy thumb drive integrates Adafruit PyPortal display based on Microchip SAMD51 MCU - CNX Software
- LILYGO T-TWR is an ESP32-S3 board with an SA868 Walkie-Talkie module - CNX Software
- HIGOLE PC STICK (J4125+WiFi 6) review - Part 1: Specs, unboxing, teardown, and first boot - CNX Software
- Changing the Startup: Custom initial PC and SP Register Setting with the Debugger | MCU on Eclipse
- PineTab-V RISC-V tablet devkit is based on StarFive JH7110 SoC, PineTab2 design - CNX Software
- Arduino UNO Rev4 « RoboDoupě - web nejen o robotice - je tam ARM od Renesas
- $15 Adafruit Feather RP2040 with DVI Output Port connects to your HDMI TV or monitor - CNX Software - umí až 400x240
- - Novinky: Programátor a zdroj s měřením spotřeby v nanoampérech? Ale jistě, řeklo si STMicroelectronics a přišlo s STLink-V3PWR.
- Virtualizace na desktopu v roce 2022, pokud možno zdarma | Pctuning - především Linux desktop a výchozí je VMware
- Rozšíření instrukční sady AVX-512 na platformě x86–64 (dokončení) -
- Tisk naformátovaného a obarveného textu na terminál s knihovnou Rich (dokončení) -
- C# Objects: A Deep Dive |
- Introduction to Classes in C# |
- Hyper-V: Velmi jemný úvod do virtualizace na Windows |
- Asynchronous Programming Patterns in .NET C# |
- Types of Query Execution in LINQ |
- Jak na chybu připjení k SQL Serveru po upgrade na .NET 7 | - nově má defaultně zapnuté secure spojení a potřebuje certifikát
- BaCon: transpřekladač z jazyka BASIC do jazyka C -
- What is Polymorphism in C# |
- Introduction to Inheritance in C# |
- Introduction to Abstraction in C# | CodeGuru
- How to Overload Methods in C# |
- Advantages of C# | ... Disadvantages of C# |
- Introduction to Constructors in C# |
- Knihovna Polars: výkonnější alternativa ke knihovně Pandas -
- Frameworky Capstone a Keystone: základ pro tvorbu assemblerů a disassemblerů -
- Framework Capstone aneb univerzální disassembler -
- API klient pro Fio banku | - načítání seznamu plateb pomocí FIO-API
- Nástroj objdump: švýcarský nožík pro vývojáře -
- PHP Jet - Formuláře -
- Proč preferuji grid před flexboxem - Zdroják
- Vývoj pro osmibitovou herní konzoli NES s využitím překladače jazyka C (dokončení) -
- ASP.NET Core na Linuxu: Jak získat výkonný cloudový server zdarma | - v Oracle Cloud s "always free cloud" ???
- Nová špičková kamera pro Raspberry Pi: Fotíme a ostříme v Pythonu – Živě.cz
- - Novinky: Arduino a funkce millis. Proč nikdy neuvidíte číslo 42.
- Best Versioning Software for C# Developers |
- Kafka Connect: tvorba producentů a konzumentů bez zdrojového kódu -
- Kouzlo minimalismu potřetí: vývoj her a dem pro slavné ZX Spectrum -
- Vývoj pro ZX Spectrum: mikroprocesor Zilog Z80 a smyčky v assembleru - - pěkné analýzy
- Vývoj pro ZX Spectrum: výpis informací na obrazovku -
- Top Plugins for Visual Studio |
- Codecraft, Our Visual Programming Software, Is Now Open Source on GitHub - Latest Open Tech From Seeed
- An Introduction to Interfaces in C# |
- Implementing Generic Singly Linked List in C# |
- An Overview of C# Encapsulation |
- Tips For Remote Developers | + Tools For Remote Developers |
- Top Code Refactoring Tools for C# Developers |
- Vývoj her a dem pro ZX Spectrum: vlastní vykreslovací subrutiny -
- Vývoj her a dem pro ZX Spectrum: vlastní vykreslovací subrutiny podruhé -
- Vývoj pro ZX Spectrum: vlastní vykreslovací subrutiny potřetí -
- Vývoj pro ZX Spectrum: dokončení realizace příkazu PLOT -
- Zobrazení čísel a zpracování příznaků mikroprocesoru Zilog Z80 -
- Detekce velikosti hodnot uložených v operační paměti a spravovaných interpretrem Pythonu -
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- Jak nastavit rozlišení pro obrázky exportované z PowerPointu |
- Different Types of JIT Compilers in .NET |
- schémata a diagramy levou zadní a multiplatformně -
- An Overview of Properties in C# |