- Cinchoo - ChoEazyCopy, Yet Another RoboCopy GUI - CodeProject
- Python Fourier Transform Helper Library - CodeProject
- Using Bitwise Operations on Bitfields as a Primitive SIMD - CodeProject
- Decorator Pattern in C# - 3 Versions - CodeProject
- Creating Custom Draw Targets in GFX - CodeProject
- Using GFX in PlatformIO - CodeProject
- ggGraph - Quick, Lightweight JavaScript Graphing - CodeProject - vypadá to dost zajímavě
- QR Code Encoder and Decoder C# Class Library for VS 2022 .NET 6.0 (Version 3.1.0) - CodeProject
- Debugging an Arduino project with GDB on Classic ATtiny and Small ATmega MCUs - CodeProject - hm, nějaké avr-gdb, napíchnuté na debug-wire (asi SPI ?)
- Thread-safe Events in C# - CodeProject
- Bring Your Animations to H264/HEVC Video - CodeProject
- Lightweight Implementation of Autocomplete - CodeProject - v HTML a MySQL backend a PHP
- A C# Library to Generate and Display Digital Signals - CodeProject - sin, square, triangle, ...
- Fluent Interface Pattern in C# - With Inheritance Problem - CodeProject
- Multithreading in C# - CodeProject
- UniDock - A New Multiplatform UI Docking Framework. UniDock Power Features. - CodeProject - pro AvaloniaUI
- Rubik’s Cube for Beginners (Version 2.0). C# Application with 3D Graphics and Animation. VS2022 .NET6 - CodeProject
- RSA Key Pair via OpenSSL - CodeProject
- Arm-Powered Driver Distraction Detection - CodeProject - RPi nebo Jetson
- A Generic Form of the NameValueCollection - CodeProject
- OpenVPN for Windows XP - CodeProject - a WinServer 2003
- The Simplest Implementation of a Reader-Writer Lock for .NET - CodeProject
- An Oddity of the ?? Operator (C#) - CodeProject
- Avoid the WPF DataGrid Limitations, Replace It with Few Lines of Your Own Code - CodeProject - nahrazeno vlastní konstrukcí přes StackPanel-y, ...
- RLE: The Human Friendly Compression - CodeProject
- Multiple Face Detection and Recognition in Real Time - CodeProject
- LEGOpunk Orrery Knows Just The Right Technics | Hackaday - úžasná astronomická mechanika
- Tiny LED Matrix Panels Tile Together Perfectly | Hackaday
- New Part Day: The RISC-V Lichee-RV Module And Dock | Hackaday
- Dice Rolls From The Beginning Of Time | Hackaday - náhodu generuje "geigerem"
- Modular Design Enables Huge Ping-Pong Ball LED Displays | Hackaday
- Open Source Openwheel | Hackaday
- Another Homebrew Linux Board Success Story | Hackaday - iMX6
- Teensy 4 Pushed To The Limit With 1 GHz Overclock | Hackaday - docela silný chladič
- Enter The Matrix With This Custom PC Side Panel | Hackaday
- 6502 Goes FPGA (Again) | Hackaday
- Mico Is A USB Microphone Based On A Pi Pico | Hackaday
- Electronic Drum Toy Built From Scratch | Hackaday - STM32F100 má DAC, přehrává samply 22kHz
- LED Bubbles From The 1970s Tell The Time | Hackaday
- Raspberry Pi Pico Gets A Tiny Keyboard On Its Back | Hackaday
- Pi Powered 1:35 Scale Panther Tank | Hackaday
- Hidden Shaft And Gears Make This Hollow Clock Go | Hackaday
- Robot Nerf Alarm Blasts You Awake With Foam | Hackaday
- Apollo Comms Flight Hardware Deep Dive | Hackaday - zatím jen první díl ?
- Pen Plotter From PCB Panels | Hackaday
- Casually Chirping Into The World Of LoRaWAN | Hackaday
- NTP Server Gets Time From Space | Hackaday - s us přesností ?
- All About Mecanum | Hackaday
- Old Firewall Reborn As Retro PC | Hackaday - má tam PCI, tak s grafikou
- Serial Studio One Year On | Hackaday
- Arduino IDE Creates Bootable X86 Floppy Disks | Hackaday
- Display Your Speech In Realtime To Help Lipreaders In The Mask Era | Hackaday - Speech "to LCD"
- Web-Centric Gabuino Has Compiler, Will Travel | Hackaday
- No ARM Printer Driver? Just Write Your Own | Hackaday - RPi a ZPL - nějaký ASCII commands converter ?
- The Fifteen Dollar Linux Computer | Hackaday - AllWinner SoC, kbd, LCD 320x240 - funguje DOOM ?
- Modular Synth Pairs Perfectly With The Apple II | Hackaday
- Analog Computer Made From LEGO Predicts Tides | Hackaday - nechápu
- Retro Gaming With Retro Joysticks | Hackaday - krásný modulek s A-micro
- Custom Piano Tickles The Ivories | Hackaday - dřevěná mechanika, polyfonie na STM32 s D/A
- Recreating MS Paint For The ESP32 | Hackaday
- Pocket-Sized Doom Is Actually Playable | Hackaday - malinká ESP32 s LCD 1.3"
- A Simple 3D Printed Rover Design | Hackaday
- PlottyBot: A DrawBot That Plots A Lot | Hackaday
- Arduino Nano Adds USB Interface To The Psion Organiser II | Hackaday
- Winamp Reborn With The Adafruit PyPortal | Hackaday - vizuálně zajímavé - viz. Overview | PyPortal Winamp MP3 Player | Adafruit Learning System
- It’s Bad Apple, But On A 32K EPROM | Hackaday - takový to muselo dát práce ...
- Sending MIDI Wirelessly With The NRF24L01 | Hackaday
- You Can Send MIDI Over I2C If You Really Need To | Hackaday
- Backpack Board For OLEDs Boasts Fancy Features | Hackaday
- This ESP32 Pico Wristwatch Has Plenty Of Potential | Hackaday - "mraky" LEDek
- Tutorial Teaches You To Use Neopixels With Micropython | Hackaday
- Need A Logic Analyzer? Use Your Pico! | Hackaday - vzorkování až 120MHz pro 20 digi, 3x analog - zajímavé řešení včetně sigrok-driver pro PulseView, plus další související linky
- Review: DevTerm Linux Handheld Has Retro-Future Vibe | Hackaday
- ESP32 Virtual Machine Lets You Change Programs On The Fly | Hackaday - ?? interpreter
- Minimalistic Doorbell Doesn’t Need An Internet Connection – Or Even A Power Supply | Hackaday - točení motorku vyrábí energii
- LEGO-Sorting Vacuum Defeats The Problem | Hackaday - dobrý způsob úklidu
- OpenCV Brings Pinch To Zoom Into The Real World | Hackaday
- Designed From Scratch And Fully Handmade: The Modular Coleman Z80 Computer | Hackaday - krása na univerzálních PCB včetně sběrnicových monitorů apod.
- Hacked GDB Dashboard Puts It All On Display | Hackaday - text-UI interface - cyrus-and/gdb-dashboard: Modular visual interface for GDB in Python
- Minicomputer Restoration Hanging In The Balance | Hackaday
- Clockwork DevTerm R-01 Takes RISC-V Out For A Spin | Hackaday
- Talking To A Texas Instruments Calculator | Hackaday
- Render HTML And CSS On An ESP32 | Hackaday - teda zatím jen koncept ?
- DOOM Comes To The RP2040 | Hackaday - hlavní problém je malá RAM
- A Sinclair ZX81 Clone Still Has The Power To Fascinate | Hackaday
- Haptic Smart Knob Does Several Jobs | Hackaday
- Retro Breadboard Gives Up Its 1960s Secrets | Hackaday
- Introducing The Universal Atari Keyboard Case | Hackaday
- VFD Character Display Turned Into Audio VU Meter | Hackaday
- Building A Pendulum Clock Out Of Lego | Hackaday
- Raspberry Pi And The Story Of SD Card Corruption | Hackaday
- Daft Punk Word Clock Goes Stronger And Faster | Hackaday
- Remote Desktop Fun For Your Old Macintosh | Hackaday - mini VNC
- History Of Digital Equipment Corp And Bonus PDP-11 Replica Build | Hackaday
- Miniature Motorized RC Car Is Massively Impressive | Hackaday - HO size
- Low-Cost, Two-Channel Scriptable Waveform Generator | Hackaday
- It’s Almost A New Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4. But Not Quite | Hackaday
- Turning Old Plotter Parts Into A Smooth Camera Slider | Hackaday
- Flashing TI Chips With An ESP | Hackaday
- Turn Timing Diagrams Into ASCII Art, For Friendlier Pasting | Hackaday
- ESP32: Is Two Better Than One? | Hackaday - dvojitá anténa
- LED Filaments Make A Retro Clock Without Any Retro Parts | Hackaday
- Making Your Own Technically-HDMI OLED Monitor | Hackaday - přímo využívá I2C signály pro malinký OLED
- MangoPi To Bring A SD-Card-Sized Linux Module | Hackaday
- Putting The RP2040 On A Stamp | Hackaday
- Generating Composite Video On ESP32 With LVGL GUI | Hackaday
- ATtiny85 Snake Game Is A Circuit Sandwich | Hackaday
- Get GitHub Tickets IRL With A Raspberry Pi And A Receipt Printer | Hackaday
- A Robot Game To Open Your Hackerspace | Hackaday
- PiSquare Lets You Run Multiple HATs On A Raspberry Pi | Hackaday
- Nixie Spectrum Display Has Seven Bands | Hackaday
- Mindblowing Graphics From An ATtiny85 | Hackaday - jak jen se to tam mohlo vejít ?
HW, robotika, ...
- $35 Orange Pi 3 LTS SBC comes with 2GB RAM, 8GB flash, AW859A WiFi 5 and Bluetooth 5.0 module - CNX Software - 8xA53 v H6
- Newt 2.7-inch wireless display offers high refresh rate with SHARP's Memory-in-Pixel (MiP) technology (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software - lowpower a zároveň rychlé překreslení
- - Novinky: Jak zkopírovat program z jedné Arduino desky do druhé?
- ESP32 UWB board features DW1000 module for accurate indoor positioning - CNX Software - krom ESP má UWB radio modul
- HUENIT modular robot arm takes 3D printer, laser engraver, suction, AI camera modules (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- Doubling the performance of NXP LPC845 with improved Flash Access Time | MCU on Eclipse - zajímavé, defaultně má 2WS i při 18MHz hodinách - zbytečně
- DIY Pip-Boy wrist computer is equipped with Adafruit Feather RP2040 board - CNX Software
- TTGO T-CAN485 - An ESP32 board with RS485, CAN bus interfaces - CNX Software
- Key-Value pairs in FLASH Memory: file-system-less minINI | MCU on Eclipse
- congatec launches 10 new COM-HPC and COM Express Computer-on-Modules with 12th Gen Intel Core processors (Sponsored) - CNX Software
- Board with 25 RGB LEDs is offered with ESP32-C3 or ESP32-Pico-D4 - CNX Software
- - Novinky: Sipeed LicheeRV Nezha CM compute modul a rozšiřující deska s HDMI, USB, Wi-Fi a Bluetooth
- NXP IW612 Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.2, 802.15.4 tri-radio solution supports Matter - CNX Software
- Raspberry Pi CM4 carrier board comes with 5x SATA, 4x GbE, 2x HDMI, RS-485 interfaces - CNX Software
- Intel unveils Alder Lake desktop and mobile IoT processors - CNX Software
- Palm-sized Celeron N5105 mini PC ships with 8GB DDR4, two HDMI ports - CNX Software
- Onera Health unveils Onera Biomedical-Lab-on-Chip with over a dozen sensor inputs - CNX Software - s jádrem C-M4F
- ESP32 CAN board fits into OBD-II dongle, supports auto shutdown - CNX Software
- - Novinky: Wokwi - online simulátor Arduino Uno, ESP32 i Raspberry Pi Pico - to vypadá hodně zajímavě
- Spilling the Beans: storage class and linkage in C, including static locals | MCU on Eclipse
- Mico - A USB microphone based on Raspberry Pi RP2040 MCU - CNX Software
- Sipeed Lichee RV RISC-V module gets $5+ carrier board with HDMI and USB ports, optional WiFi - CNX Software
- Raspberry Pi RP2040: Features, Boards, Projects - Latest Open Tech From Seeed
- LoRaWAN with NXP LPC55S16 and ARM Cortex-M33 | MCU on Eclipse
- $1.8 XT-ZB1 Zigbee & BLE devkit features BL702 RISC-V module - CNX Software
- A comparison of ESP32-S3, ESP32-C3 and ESP8266 modules (Sponsored) - CNX Software
- i.MX 8M Plus solderable LGA module follows OSM Size-L standard - CNX Software
- Microchip SAM L22 board makes Casio F-91W watch more customizable (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software - hodinky z roku 1989 !!
- Raspberry Pi nabídnou i otevřené rozhraní mezi mozkem a počítačem | Svět hardware - PiEEG
- "Extreme low power" chip with energy harvesting provides lifetime battery solution for remote controls - CNX Software
- PsyLink is a low-cost, non-invasive EMG interface based on the Nano 33 BLE Sense | Arduino Blog
- '80s-style home computer made from scratch using an Arduino Due | Arduino Blog - i s Basicem
- DIY Split-Flap Display | MCU on Eclipse
- ROCK5 Model B RK3588 single board computer is up for pre-order for $79 and up - CNX Software
- Minideska s RISC-V s osmi UART může posloužit jako alternativa Arduina | Svět hardware
- 10.1-inch RPI All-in-One PC review with Raspberry Pi 4 - CNX Software
- PineNote Developer Edition mainline Linux e-Reader is now available for $399 - CNX Software
- Tang Nano 9K FPGA board can emulate PicoRV32 RISC-V soft-core with all peripherals - CNX Software
- USB add-on boards leverage Raspberry Pi Zero test pads, USB Gadget mode - CNX Software
- Raspberry Pi CM4 Nano industrial mini PC supports wide temperature range, 12-18V DC input - CNX Software
- PiGear Nano - A Nano-ITX Raspberry Pi CM4 carrier board with 7-30V DC input - CNX Software
- iMX8MPlus-SOM is alive and boots! | olimex
- StackyPi - A Raspberry Pi RP2040 board with Raspberry Pi Zero form factor (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- Silicon Labs BG24 and MG24 2.4 GHz wireless MCU's quadruple AI performance at a fraction of the energy - CNX Software
- Coral Dev Board Micro combines NXP i.MX RT1176 MCU with Edge TPU in Pi Zero form factor - CNX Software
- Building a NanoPi M4V2 based All-in-One Linux PC running Armbian (Ubuntu/Debian) - CNX Software
- Review of GL.inet GL-S10 BLE to MQTT gateway with MQTT X open-source client - CNX Software
- India goes RISC-V with VEGA processors - CNX Software
- Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit officially released - CNX Software
- Tiny Core Linux 13.0 released for older or lower-end x86 hardware - CNX Software
- - Novinky: Postavte si digitální přesýpací hodiny s Arduino Nano - 2 matice 8x8 rohama k sobě
- KrakenSDR is a 5-channel software-defined radio based on RTL-SDR - CNX Software
- Maker Nano RP2040 offers Arduino Nano, Grove and Qwiic modules compatibility - CNX Software
- Portenta Cat. M1/NB IoT GNSS Shield: Connectivity and positioning for your boards
- MIPI CSI-2 v4.0 adds features for always-on, low power machine vision applications - CNX Software
- Debugging with Dynamic Printf Breakpoints | MCU on Eclipse
- Basler prB-IMX8MP embedded vision processing kit supports BCON for MIPI, GigE Vision, and USB3 Vision cameras - CNX Software
- TTGO T-Block modular ESP32 devkit supports "Trolley" covers acting as display, buttons, sensor, proto area, etc... - CNX Software
- Inkplate 6COLOR - A 5.8-inch e-paper color wireless display (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software - 6 barev a překreslení 20+ sec
- ICARUS Elkhart Lake Pico-ITX board targets IoT, AIoT, and computer vision applications - CNX Software
- MutantW V1 - An open-source ESP32 smartwatch designed with Autodesk Fusion 360 and EAGLE - CNX Software
- Wappsto:bit GO - An ESP32 board with plenty of sensors, Micro:bit compatibility (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- BrainChip je malý neuromorfní čip do slotu PCI Express, který dokáže simulovat neurony i synapse – Živě.cz
- BTT SKR Pico - A Raspberry Pi RP2040 based 3D printer control board - CNX Software
- STMicro Intelligent Sensor Processing Unit (ISPU) combines MEMS sensor with DSP for AI "in the edge" - CNX Software
- Low-power satellite IoT SoC works with Totum’s Low Earth Orbit (LEO) network - CNX Software
- Poslední výkřik Centaura: test x86 procesoru s jádry CNS | Svět hardware - základ od VIA ?
- Challenger RP2040 LoRa board combines Raspberry Pi RP2040 MCU with RFM95W LoRa module - CNX Software
- HC32L110 Arm Cortex-M0+ MCU is available in a tiny 1.59 x 1.436 mm CSP16 package - CNX Software
- Silicon Witchery S1 module combines nRF52840 Bluetooth SoC with Lattice iCE40 FPGA - CNX Software
- IoT device monitoring as a product reliability improvement tool - CNX Software
- Raspberry Pi RP2040 gains an extra USB port through PIO's (programmable I/Os) - CNX Software
- Round color LCD board comes in Raspberry Pi RP2040 or ESP8266 flavor (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- RISC-V or Arm? This tiny 4x4cm Linux board with WiFi offers both options - CNX Software
- Controlling any IR device with a remote and some hacking | Arduino Blog
- Banana Pi teases Rockchip RK3588 SoM and development kit - CNX Software
- This special chessboard brings digital opponents into the physical world | Arduino Blog
- $39 MangoPi-Nezha MQ RISC-V developer board runs OpenWrt, Debian, or RT-Smart RTOS (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software - jen 4x4cm
- Specifické vlastnosti procesorů AArch64: základní instrukce - - rozdíly pro 64b
- M5Stamp C3U IoT module relies on ESP32-C3's own USB interface for firmware programming - CNX Software
- RISC-V design challenge - Get a free board, RISC-V chips, and cash prizes - CNX Software
- ESP32 module development in Windows with the ESP-IDF (Sponsored) - CNX Software
- Arduino Braccio++ robotic arm is designed for high-school and university students - CNX Software
- GNU Coverage (gcov) with NXP S32 Design Studio IDE | MCU on Eclipse
- Banana Pi BPI-R3 WiFi 6 router board features MediaTek Filogic 830/MT7986 SoC - CNX Software
- CM4-IO-POE-4G-Box - A Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 box for industrial IoT applications - CNX Software
- LOLIN C3 Mini ESP32-C3 board is compatible with Wemos D1 Mini shields - CNX Software
- E-Ink Digital Paper Tablet is about the size of an A4 or US Letter paper - CNX Software
- Doom ported to Raspberry Pi RP2040 - CNX Software
- DingDian S3 - A Pocket-sized Intel Pentium N6000 mini PC (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- BIVROST Lite5 mini-STX motherboard takes up to 96GB RAM for machine vision applications - CNX Software
- Waveshare CM4-Duino - An Arduino compatible carrier board for Raspberry Pi CM4 - CNX Software
- Programování elektroniky: Česká deska ESP32-LPKit, která ve spánku skoro nic nespálí – Živě.cz
- Pockit modular Linux computer gets a Raspberry Pi CM4 upgrade - CNX Software
- TIMI-130 - A breadboard color display with hundreds of pre-designed user interfaces - CNX Software
- Picovoice on-device speech-to-text engines slash the requirements and cost of transcription - CNX Software
- Arduino Nicla Vision - A tiny STM32H7 board with 2MP camera, WiFi & Bluetooth LE, sensors - CNX Software
- ESP8285 WiFi DIP module replaces ATMega328P MCU on Arduino UNO board (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- SECO PICTOR fanless embedded computer features RK3399-powered 3.5-inch SBC - CNX Software
- Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2 ships with 8 MB Flash, 2 MB PSRAM, USB-C port, and more - CNX Software
- WCH CH348 is an 8-port USB to serial chip with up to 48 GPIOs - CNX Software
- ESP32 module development in Windows with the ESP-IDF (Sponsored) - CNX Software
- MangoPi MQ Pro - A $20 RISC-V alternative to Raspberry Pi Zero W - CNX Software
- E Ink Kaleido 3 color e-paper display increases color saturation by 30 percent, reduces blue light reflections - CNX Software
- Raspberry Pi OS removes default "Pi" username, adds experimental support for Wayland - CNX Software
- Arducam Pi Hawk-eye is a 64MP camera for Raspberry Pi 4/CM4 - CNX Software
- RoenDi is a rotary encoder with a color display (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- Morse Micro MM6104, MM6108 Wi-Fi HaLow SoCs support up to 32.5 Mbps data rate - CNX Software
- Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4S SO-DIMM module is powered by Broadcom BCM2711 SoC - CNX Software
- PiSquare enables wireless Raspberry Pi HAT control though ESP8266 and RP2040 MCUs (Crowdfunding) - CNX Software
- Kontron Pi-Tron CM4 mini PC leverages Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 for industrial applications - CNX Software
- VESA compatible mini PC is powered by Vortex86DX3 x86 processor - CNX Software
- - Novinky: Osciloskop z LEDek s LM358, LM3914, NE555 a 4017.
- ESP32 Composite Video Library outputs PAL, SECAM and NTSC, supports LVGL - CNX Software
- ESP32 module development in Windows with the ESP-IDF (Sponsored) - CNX Software
- Semtech LR1120 enables global asset tracking with multi-band LoRa, WiFi, and GNSS - CNX Software
- Getting started with Maker Nano RP2040 using CircuitPython: Blinky, RGB LED, and Piezo Buzzer - CNX Software
- Nordic Semi nRF52840 Bluetooth 5.2 LE module achieves over 10 km range - CNX Software
- Introducing the Arduino secure boot
- První 868MHz Wi-Fi pro Raspberry Pi stojí 70 dolarů, ale nabízí až kilometrový dosah – Živě.cz
- Working with Collections in C# |
- Co mají společného Commodore PET/4000, BBC Micro, Amstrad CPC i grafické karty MDA, CGA a Hercules? - - gr.. řadič Motorola 6845
- DotPeek Tool: A .NET Decompiler Tool |
- Porting Existing ASP.NET Apps to .NET Core | Microsoft Docs
- Integrované vývojové prostředí Lazarus: jen zdánlivý anachronismus -
- Dešifrujeme HTTPS pomocí nástroje Wireshark -
- Modernize ASP.NET Framework to ASP.NET Core with the .NET Upgrade Assistant - Learn | Microsoft Docs
- 8 .NET Technologies for 2022 |
- 7 Best C# IDEs in 2022 |
- Souběžné a paralelně běžící úlohy naprogramované v Pythonu -
- Using Custom Source File Extensions with Eclipse CDT Gnu Make Builder Projects | MCU on Eclipse
- Čtyři způsoby zpracování XML v Pythonu -
- Using PostgreSQL in C# and .NET |
- Psaní aplikací pro terminál: výstup - - ncourses
- PyWebIO: interaktivní webové dialogy a formuláře v čistém Pythonu -
- Specifické vlastnosti procesorů AArch64: přenos bloků dat a instrukce s podmínkou -
- Productivity Tools for .NET Developers |
- Počítač v počítači: jak na virtualizaci a k čemu může být běžnému uživateli | Pctuning
- Protokol SCP mizí: proč je jednoduchý přenos souborů po SSH problém? -
- C# Sharp for Beginners | CodeGuru
- PyWebIO: interaktivní webové dialogy a formuláře v čistém Pythonu (dokončení) -
- NGROK: Užitečný nástroj pro dočasné zpřístupnění localhostu z Internetu |
- End of Support for Visual Studio Versions |
- Desetinná čísla v C# a .NET |