- Matrix Voltage Divider Button Calculator for Microcontrollers - CodeProject - analogové připojení kbd před masku odporů - stačí 2xA/D pro 16 buttons
- Introduction to OpenGL with C/C++ on ReactOS - CodeProject - jsou tam i zajímavé IDE pro vývoj
- A PostgreSQL Notification Example - CodeProject - WinForms
- Interprocess Communication using Publisher-Subscriber Pattern and Named Pipes as a Transport - CodeProject - C#
- Sprite Editor 2019 - Build and Edit Animations - CodeProject
- MQTT – Message Queue Telemetry Transport Protocol with .NET Core - CodeProject
- Circular Progress Bar in Android - CodeProject
- Random Number Generator Recommendations for Applications - CodeProject
- Matrix Library in C - CodeProject - parametry přes strukturu - ptr, rows, cols
- Chess Program in C# - CodeProject - už verze 3.0
- Software Development as a Research in Domain of Value - CodeProject
- Robust C++: Safety Net - CodeProject - hm, vlákna, třídy, signály - ? - celkem dlouhé
- Improving Binary Search Algorithm by Three Boolean Logic - CodeProject
- Android Sensor Monitoring in Simulink Matlab - CodeProject
- Harnessing the ESP8266 in the Arduino Mega 2560+WiFi R3 - CodeProject
- A $5 Programmable Tiny Webserver The Size of a Jump Drive - CodeProject - modul ESP-01
- WPF Drag and Drop using Behavior - CodeProject
- Backtracking: Solving Magic Squares - CodeProject
- Bring Your MFC Application to the Web - CodeProject - C++ do JS ? CppUI a JsUI ?
- Create a Code Editor Android Application using CodeView Library - CodeProject
- Android Sensor Monitoring in Simulink Matlab - CodeProject
- Multiple Face Detection and Recognition in Real Time - CodeProject - EmguCV
- Holidays Table and GetWorkDays Function in SQL Server - CodeProject
- Simple WPF Binding in Code-behind for Visual Basic .NET - CodeProject
- IoT Smart Clock using the Mega 2560+WiFi R3 - CodeProject
- C#/.NET Console Argument Parser and Validation with ConsoleCommon - CodeProject
- CaptureManager SDK - Capturing, Recording and Streaming Video and Audio from Web-Cams - CodeProject
- Parallel Heterogeneous Programming In C++17/2x0 Using CL/SYCL-Model Specification On Raspberry Pi 4B+ IoT-Boards - CodeProject
- A Desktop App that Works Unchanged for WPF or WinForms - CodeProject
- C++: Windows Toast Notification - CodeProject
- TTGO ESP32 Module With Multiple Personalities | Hackaday - TTGO Display Board - Introduction and Free Game - YouTube - displejík 135x240
- ISASTM Runs Vintage Cards Over USB | Hackaday - zalořené na STM32H7
- Jetson Nano Robot | Hackaday
- Modern Network Adapter For Retro Computers | Hackaday - na SIO port v 800XL -FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-platformio: Atari to ESP32 WiFi Multifunction Firmware - resp. What is #FujiNet ? - #FujiNet
- Let KiCad And Python Make Your Coils | Hackaday
- Super-Simple VGA Adapter Sports Low-Res Output With Only Four TTL Chips | Hackaday - jen čítač a v paměti jsou i H/V synchrony (předspočítané)
- Relay Computer Consumes Six Years And 4.5 Suitcases | Hackaday
- Small Spotify Remote Broadens Musical Horizons | Hackaday
- Jetson Emulator Gives Students A Free AI Lesson | Hackaday
- STM32 Gets Up Close And Personal With Mandelbrot | Hackaday - 80x160 px RGB
- Complete Flight Sim Controller Set With 3D Printing And Hall-Effect Sensors. | Hackaday
- Iconic Yugoslavian Galaksija Computer Reborn, With A Documentary Too | Hackaday - asi Z80 ?
- Smoothing Big Fonts On Graphic LCDs | Hackaday - vylepšení pouhého násobení pixelů
- POV LED Staff Takes Art For A Spin | Hackaday
- Linear Time Partition – A Three Way Split - CodeProject - QuickSort (?)
- Cheat Code Keystrokes Handler - CodeProject
- A VGA Retro Console With Everything Generated From A Single ARM Cortex M0 | Hackaday - 320x240 na SAMD21E
- Jetson Emulator Gives Students A Free AI Lesson | Hackaday
- PyGame Celebrates 20 Years By Releasing PyGame 2.0 | Hackaday
- ESP8266 Does RC Without The Transmitter | Hackaday - výstup na serva
- Color E-Ink Display Photo Frame Pranks [Mom] | Hackaday
- Altair Front Panel Tutorials | Hackaday
- Self-Driving RC Truck Is A Master’s Thesis In Cybernetics And Robotics | Hackaday - LIDAR, webcam, Jetson 2 apod.
- Local And Remote Debugging With GDB | Hackaday - to by bylo zajímavé
- Open Source Lego Controller | Hackaday - uvnitř ESP32, je to malinké a umí to celkem dost, připojení na "nové" motory
- A Super UPS For The Pi | Hackaday - několik supercap (5x10F, 2.5V)
- “Brain In A Vat” 6502 | Hackaday - modul s FPGA a HDMI pro malé SBC s 6502
- E-Paper Weather Display Is A Great Base To Build From | Hackaday - 7.5" modul od waveshare
- TTL Simulator In JavaScript | Hackaday
- PyGame Celebrates 20 Years By Releasing PyGame 2.0 | Hackaday
- Teensy Controller For Powerful CNCs | Hackaday
- Visualizing Magnetic Memory With Core 64 | Hackaday
- Binary Calculator For All 0b10 Types | Hackaday - jen 1, 0, + a - :-)
- Hello From The NearSpace | Hackaday
- Product Review: The TinySA, A Shirt-Pocket Sized Spectrum Analyzer | Hackaday
- Ethernet Goes To The Ether | Hackaday - ? SDR ?
- Procedurally Generated Retrocomputer Emulators | Hackaday
- Custom Firmware For Cheap Bluetooth Thermometers | Hackaday - konkrétně Xiaomi teploměr
- Another Kind Of “Bare Metal”: 6502 Computer Powers RPN Calculator | Hackaday
- 3D Print Your Way To A Modular MIDI Playset | Hackaday - opravdu povedené a založené zřejmě jen na Arduino-nano (každý modul) - LEET Synthesizer – Johan von Konow
- Celebrating The 4004’s 0x31st Anniversary | Hackaday - jako shiled pro A-Mega
- Interactive Subway Map Talks You Through The Route | Hackaday - ve Valencii - Interactive Subway Info Display With Voice Instructions. Demo : 7 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables - jako zdroj audio je "MP3 player" (?)
- MicroOS Is Immutable Linux | Hackaday
- Zoom Control Box Helps Keep Meetings On Track | Hackaday - tlačítka emulující klávesové zkratky
- Easy Carrier Board For The Compute Module 4 Shows You Can Do It, Too | Hackaday - a dokonce jen frézovaný PCB
- Vectron Adds Basic And Christmas Tree Control | Hackaday
- Gumstix Introduces CM4 to CM3 Adapter, Carrier Boards for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4
- - Novinky: Nový Raspberry Pi Compute modul přichází
- Raspberry Pi CM4 and CM4Lite Modules Launched for $25 and Up
- New Raspberry Pi 4 Compute Module: So Long SO-DIMM, Hello PCIe! | Hackaday
- Raspberry Pi 4 Compute Module přichází na trh ve 32 verzích | Svět hardware
- NanoPi R2S & NanoPi NEO3 tested with Armbian - Thermal test, Ethernet and USB performance
- Google Coral Dev Board mini SBC is now available for $100
- ESP32 CNC Controller Board Supports Grbl Arduino Firmware
- PineCube open-source Linux IP camera devkit launched for $30
- FPGA powered Corazon-AI gateway supports up to 8 IP cameras for video analytics
- Embedded Artists Unveils iMX RT1064 uCOM with WiFi 5 & Bluetooth 5.1 Module
- Turing Pi 2 mini-ITX cluster board takes four Raspberry Pi Compute Modules 4
- Tweaking MCUXpresso IDE Black Theme | MCU on Eclipse
- Arm Ethos-U65 microNPU enables low-power AI inference on Cortex-A & Neoverse SoC's
- SwarmDrive is an ESP32 motor driver board for brushless motors (Crowdfunding)
- CloudBEAR BM-310 RISC-V MCU core for IoT applications
- Raspberry Pi Alternatives: 16 Best Single Board Computers in 2020 - Latest open tech from seeed studio
- BL602/BL604 RISC-V WiFi & Bluetooth 5.0 LE SoC will sell at ESP8266 price point
- BL602 IoT SDK and $5 DT-BL10 WiFi & BLE RISC-V development board
- E3K all-in-one wireless bio-sensing platform supports EMG, ECG, and EEG sensors (Crowdfunding) - "shield" pro ESP32 s řadou připojitelných "analog" rozhraní
- One Netbook A1 7-inch laptop features Ethernet and COM port for IT Pros
- - Novinky: Čas, počasí a spotify na ePaper displeji s Raspberry Pi Zero - resp. detaily alexthescott/ePaper-Spotify-Clock: ePaper Clock with two user's Spotify info and the weather using Waveshare's 4.2inch EPD
- STM32 Clones: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly | Hackaday - typicky F103
- Qualcomm QCS610 micro SoM and devkit to power AI and ML smart cameras
- STMicro launches cheaper STM32WB30 and STM32WB35 Bluetooth LE & Zigbee MCUs - menší paměti
- Modberry 500 CM4 DIN Rail Industrial Computer Features Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4
- The quest for a blob-free WiFi & Bluetooth stack for BL602 WiSoC
- ESP32-S2 board targets battery-powered applications with 30uA deep sleep power consumption
- PolarBerry is a Compact, Linux-capable RISC-V FPGA SBC and module (Crowdfunding)
- SiFive launches HiFive Unmatched mini-ITX motherboard for RISC-V PC's
- STMicro unveils VL53L5 multi-zone ToF ranging sensor - 4x4 nebo 8x8 (pomalejší) zóny
- NuMaker-IoT-M263A board is the Swiss army knife of IoT development - osazené CM-23 a řadou konektivit
- - Novinky: Raspberry Pi 400 - osobní počítač s Raspberry Pi 4B v těle klávesnice
- Raspberry Pi 400 Keyboard PC Review and Benchmarks vs Raspberry Pi 4
- Raspberry Pi 400 Teardown - Heat spreader and motherboard
- Raspberry Pi 400 Keyboard Computer Features 1.8 GHz BCM2711C0 Processor
- New Raspberry Pi 400 Is A Computer In A Keyboard For $70 | Hackaday
- Raspberry Pi 400: osobní počítač ukrytý v klávesnici -
- Power Measurement with the PEmicro Multilink Universal in Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse
- App note: Interfacing an STM32L1xx microcontroller with an external I2S audio codec to play audio files – Dangerous Prototypes
- tinyK22 Board Rev 1.3 released | MCU on Eclipse
- - Novinky: ESP32-S2 jako Arduino Uno
- Orange Pi Zero2 Allwinner H616 SBC runs Android 10 or Linux
- Raspberry Pi 4 získává Android 11 prostřednictvím OmniROM | Svět hardware
- FreeRTOS and Eclipse Indexer for >5K Lines Source Files | MCU on Eclipse
- Grouping Eclipse Projects with Working Sets | MCU on Eclipse
- CarDroid replaces Android Auto with an Android 9.0 USB computer (Crowdfunding)
- Kontron unveils RK3399K SMARC 2.1 Module with up to 8GB RAM
- Don’t Have an HDMI Display For Your Raspberry Pi? Wio Terminal LCD Got You Covered With a USB HMI! - Latest open tech from seeed studio - ovladač pro Linux zobrazující FB na USB a pak stačí APP v "terminálu". A umí to i více zobrazovačů pro rozdělený obraz
- Penguino Feather 4260 LoRa development board features RAK4260 module
- Debugging Bootloader and Application with one Debug Session | MCU on Eclipse
- Tigard is an open-source FT2232H board for hardware hacking (Crowdfunding) - plno konektorů - UART, I2C, JTAG, ...
- NanoPi R4S headless RK3399 SBC features up to 4GB RAM, dual Gigabit Ethernet, USB 3.0 ports
- Fanless Tiger Lake UP3 embedded box PC targets industrial IoT, robotics & automation
- Raspberry Pi 4 Vulkan Project Status & Future Plans - Q4 2020
- Arduino Blog » FREE advanced debugger for Portenta H7 - Trace32 od Lauterbach - free jen za registraci ?
- TTGO T-Higrow is a WiFi & Bluetooth connected soil temperature & moisture sensor
- $6 WT32-ETH01 is a Tiny ESP32 board with Ethernet - to byla dobrá GW
- Jak na enkodéry « RoboDoupě - web nejen o robotice
- PixelBlaze v3 WiFi LED board supports live-coding via a web interface (Crowdfunding) - postavené na ESP32
- Quantum Mini devkit combines Allwinner H3 M.2 SoM with baseboard - ale asi drahé ?
- Steps to use FreeRTOS with newlib reentrant Memory Allocation | MCU on Eclipse
- LoRa & LoRaWAN support in Zephyr OS
- Getting Started with Microsoft Azure RTOS (aka ThreadX) | MCU on Eclipse - demo je pro více HW - Explore the Getting Started Guides | Microsoft Docs
- Turn $1.5 Blue Pill STM32 board into a Sigrok compatible logic analyzer - 1MHz sample, 5k buffer
- OPTIGA Trust-M evaluation kit for Raspberry Pi targets Connected Home over IP standard
- WT32-SC01 is a thin 3.5-inch ESP32 color touchscreen display
- Základy tvorby grafů v programovacím jazyku R: knihovna lattice (dokončení) -
- Tvorba grafů v jazyce R s využitím knihovny ggplot2 -
- Výukový robot Edison se představuje. « RoboDoupě - web nejen o robotice
- Do hlubin tlačítka Líbí se: výběr databáze, API a backend -
- Raspberry Pi Alternatives: 16 Best Single Board Computers in 2020 - Latest open tech from seeed studio
- Pygame Zero: snadno použitelný nástroj určený pro výuku programování - - ale napřed i jiné nástroje (Scratch jako první)
- První miniaplikace vytvořené v nástroji Pygame Zero -
- Visual Studio Code a Rapsberi Pi - MSPRO.CZ
- ArduPy vs CircuitPython – Which is Better for MicroPython Microcontroller Programming? - Latest open tech from seeed studio
- Mind Your Strings with .NET 5.0 - hm, nějaké změny ?
- První miniaplikace vytvořené v nástroji Pygame Zero: vstupní zařízení a animace -
- Vytváření animací a práce se zvukem i s hudbou v nástroji Pygame Zero -
- Kombinace možností ggplot2 a Pythonu: knihovna Plotnine -
- Komunikace se sloupcovými databázemi z jazyka Go: Parquet soubory -