- Building a Database Application in Blazor - Part 1 - Project Structure and Framework - CodeProject
- BuilderHMI.Lite - Simple Drag-and-Drop WPF Layout - CodeProject - vizuálně dost zajímavé, grafický designer vygeneruje WPF project
- A Simple Bootstrap Modal Dialog for Blazor - CodeProject
- Inno Setup Dependency Installer - CodeProject - včetně .net FW, VC++ redist apod.
- How to Solve Word Ladder Problem? - CodeProject - pomocí orientovaného grafu
- Starting with Keras.NET in C# - Train Your First Model - CodeProject
- An IoT Smart Clock Using an ESP32 Development Board - CodeProject - SSD1306 OLED + DS1307 + DHT11
- A JavaScript Form Generator - CodeProject
- Defragmentation of List / Array in C# - Closing All Gaps - CodeProject
- Duplex gPRC - CodeProject - obousměrný RPC kanál jako náhrada WCF, ale je tam nějaký using Google.ProtoBuf ?
- ToDoList's StyleSheets: A Tutorial - CodeProject
- Web Presentation, an Application in a Single File, now with Video - CodeProject
- Reading/Writing XSD defined XML Files - CodeProject
- A WPF-Friendly Shell_NotifyIcon Wrapper Class - Part 1: Notify Icon Wrapper - CodeProject
- A WPF-Friendly Shell_NotifyIcon Wrapper Class - Part 2: Minimize to System Tray - CodeProject
- A WPF-Friendly Shell_NotifyIcon Wrapper Class - Part 3: Ad Blocker Front End - CodeProject
- A WPF-Friendly Shell_NotifyIcon Wrapper Class - Part 4: Ad Blocker Back End - CodeProject
- AI Social Distancing Detector: Working With Images in OpenCV - CodeProject
- The Main Architecture of MAME.NET - CodeProject
- AI Social Distancing Detector: Using OpenCV to Annotate Detected Objects - CodeProject
- WebView2 Edge Browser in MFC C++ Application - CodeProject
- Swipe Gestures Using a TFT Display - CodeProject - a Arduino
- Vue Samples Graph - How to Create a Graph Component using the Vue Framework - CodeProject
- Essential SD: Some Things You Should Know about Using an SD Reader with an Arduino Compatible Device - CodeProject - spíše na ESP32
- Building a Voice-enabled Smart Home TinyML Solution with Cloud Connectivity - CodeProject
- Computed properties in Xomega Framework - CodeProject
- We Make a std::shared_mutex 10 Times Faster - CodeProject
- Remote Residential Lighting - Part 1, the Prototyping - CodeProject
- Big JSON on the Arduino: Parse Huge Data on a Tiny Device - CodeProject
- AI Social Distancing Detector: Calculating the Center Point of Detected People - CodeProject
- Batch.Parallel - CodeProject - něco jako process foreach ?
- Learn about ASP.NET HtmlGenericControl - CodeProject - pro WebForms
- Fast Memory Allocation and Pooling for Constrained Environments - CodeProject - v C++
- Real-time AI Pest Elimination on Edge Devices: Getting Started - CodeProject
- Norns.Urd Lightweight AOP Framework - CodeProject
- Full 8-Bit Computer On Breadboards | Hackaday
- Espressif Leaks ESP32-C3: A WiFi SoC That’s RISC-V And Is ESP8266 Pin-Compatible | Hackaday
- Blue Pill As A Nerdy Swiss Army Knife | Hackaday - v podstatě log. analyzátor + Python app
- Easy IoT Logging Options For The Beginner | Hackaday
- E-Ink Calendar Paves A Path For All | Hackaday - ESP32 + 7.5" (800x400)
- C64 Runs On STM32F429 Discovery | Hackaday
- Bare-Metal STM32: From Power-Up To Hello World | Hackaday - překvapivě v C++
- Booting A PC From Vinyl For A Warmer, Richer OS | Hackaday - první PC uměl boot z audio kazety, tak proč ne z vinilu
- A CPU-Less Computer With A Single NOR-Gate ALU | Hackaday - v EPROM je mikrokod
- Over-the-Top Cyberdeck Is Really A Geiger-Deck | Hackaday
- Exploring Turn Of The Century RAF Avionics | Hackaday - z vrtulníku (?)
- USB Webcams Out Of Stock? Make One With A Raspberry Pi And HQ Camera Module | Hackaday
- MQTT Dashboard Uses SHARP Memory LCD | Hackaday
- Open Hardware GPS Tracker Works On Your Terms | Hackaday
- Finally! The ROM You Wished Your Sinclair Spectrum Had! | Hackaday
- Slim RGB Matrix Puts LEDs Inside The PCB | Hackaday - PCB s dírami ...
- FM Radio From Scratch Using An Arduino | Hackaday - s I2C FM čipem TEA5767
- Remoticon Video: How To Use Machine Learning With Microcontrollers | Hackaday - na Nucleo STM32L476
- Nerfnet Tunnels TCP/IP Over NRF24L01 Radios | Hackaday
- Incredible Discrete MOSFET Rover Has Maximum Blink | Hackaday - žádný IO ...
- ESP32 Spectrum Analyzer Taps Into Both Cores | Hackaday
- The Macro Keyboard Is On Deck | Hackaday
- A Portable Serial Terminal That Should Be From The 1970s | Hackaday
- Inside CHIP-8 | Hackaday - jen 35 instrukcí (?)
- Pi Compute Module Is Love-child Of Raspberry And Arduino | Hackaday - CM RPi 4 se přesně vejde mezi řady konektorů Arduina
- Microstepping A PCB Motor | Hackaday
- Bare-Metal STM32: Blinky And The Secret Of Delay Functions | Hackaday
- Adaptive Macro-Pad Uses Tiny OLED Screens As Keycaps | Hackaday - každé tlačítko je 0.66" OLED
- Micro:bit Put On Plant Minding Duty | Hackaday
- Edge-Mounted LEDs Make This Spherical POV Look Fantastic | Hackaday
- ASUS unveils Tinker Board 2 SBC with faster Rockchip RK3399 / OP1 processor
- RTOS Trace: TraceX with Microsoft Azure RTOS (aka ThreadX) | MCU on Eclipse
- SolidRun launches i.MX 8M Plus SOM and devkit for AI/ML applications
- BBC Doctor Who "HiFive Inventor" Coding Kit aims to teach IoT to kids
- Box86 is an x86 Emulator for Raspberry Pi and other 32-bit Arm platforms
- Rock Pi 4B or Raspberry Pi 4 based mini PC runs RISC OS Cloverleaf (Crowdfunding)
- UP Xtreme i11 Tiger Lake SBC and mini PC to ship with Ubuntu 20.04
- Getting Started with Microsoft Azure RTOS (aka ThreadX) | MCU on Eclipse
- Raspberry Pi 4 Vulkan Project Status & Future Plans - Q4 2020
- ASRock Mars 4000U could be the world's thinnest AMD Ryzen 4000 mini PC
- ASRock ROMED4ID-2T: EPYC nyní už i na trošku přerostlé Mini ITX | Svět hardware
- DevTerm with ClockworkPi v3.14: a modular, portable computer - pro CM3
- Raspberry Pi 400 kit ships with 7-inch or 13.3-inch touchscreen display
- Hantro H1 hardware accelerated video encoding support in mainline Linux
- Power Profiler Kit II measures power consumption in Nordic Semi based embedded systems - v rozsahu 200nA .. 1A
- Khadas Tone 2 Pro mini desktop Hi-Fi system supports MQA decoding, balanced RCA outputs
- - Novinky: NanoPi R4S - jednodeskový počítač s RK3399 a dvěma gigabitovými ethernet porty - příp. NanoPi R4S SBC launched with optional metal case for $45 and up
- DIY Pi KVM: An easy and cheap KVM over IP for Raspberry Pi
- Getting a 96bit Unique ID for each Kinetis Device using MCUXpresso SDK | MCU on Eclipse
- Configure hidden and internal Shortcuts in Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse
- Pi-oT 2 IoT module adds 24V digital inputs, RS-485, and UPS to Raspberry Pi (Crowdfunding)
- M5Paper ESP32 IoT development kit features a 4.7-inch e-Ink touchscreen display - začíná na 70USD
- - Novinky: MorphESP 240 vývojová deska s ESP32-S2 a LCD - to je ten ESP s RISC-V
- Súprava modulov Grove pre Raspberry Pi programovateľná v Pythone « RoboDoupě - web nejen o robotice
- New MCU-Link Debug Probe from NXP | MCU on Eclipse
- IKOULA hosts Raspberry Pi 4 "micro server" for 4.99+ Euros per month
- CodeBug Connect IoT development board is designed for young makers (Crowdfunding)
- Compact Jetson Xavier NX/ Nano open hardware baseboard supports Android
- Industio 7-inch smart display features SigmaStar SSD201 SoM, WiFi and Ethernet - neznámé SoC/SoM
- AI Gateway combines Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 with Google Coral Edge TPU
- - Novinky: 4.7" ePaper se základní deskou s ESP32 i power managementem - a za 25 USD + 5USD poštovné
- PiFinger is a Fingerprint HAT for Raspberry Pi (Crowdfunding)
- Mesa 20.3 released with Raspberry Pi 4 V3DK driver, Panfrost Bifrost support
- Three RISC‑V cores add multi-core and SIMD for edge AI
- Raspberry Pi CM3 "Industrial IoT" baseboard features PoE, 4G LTE modem, and isolated I/Os
- Jetson Mate Cluster box takes four Jetson Nano/Xavier NX modules - celkem 3 + 1 master
- Orange Pi R1 Plus router SBC features Rockchip RK3328, Dual GbE
- Ollie USB board exposes isolated UART, CAN, USB, RS485 & RS232 interfaces (crowdfunding)
- RISC-V hardware & software ecosystem highlights in 2020
- Andes adds L2 cache, multi-core support to Linux capable RISC-V cores
- OneGx1 Pro 7-inch 5G mini laptop features Intel Core i7-1160G7 processor
- OpenOCD with MCU-Link | MCU on Eclipse
- NanoPi R4S SBC preview with OpenWrt and Ubuntu Core
- LwM2M v1.2 M2M & IoT device management protocol adds support for HTTP and MQTT, LwM2M gateways
- Onion Tau is an affordable 3D depth LiDAR camera (Crowdfunding) - 160x60/30fps, TOF princip
- Cmsemicon ANT32RV56xx is a RISC-V microcontroller for wireless charging
- LwM2M v1.2 M2M & IoT device management protocol adds support for HTTP and MQTT, LwM2M gateways
- micro:bit V1 vs micro:bit V2 –
- Programování robota Edison 1 – EdBlocks « RoboDoupě - web nejen o robotice
- .NET Core je mrtvý, ať žije .NET 5! |
- Komunikace se sloupcovými databázemi z jazyka Go: Parquet soubory (dokončení) -
- GitHub - MoienTajik/AspNetCore-Developer-Roadmap: Roadmap to becoming an ASP.NET Core developer in 2021 - co všechno by developer mohl znát (?)
- Intro to Xamarin Essentials (Telerik ?)
- Programming language Python in VS Code: New Jupyter extension supports R and Julia | ZDNet
- Knihovna Pandas: základy práce s datovými rámci -
- Kolize spritů a naplánování operací v nástroji Pygame Zero -
- PHP 8: trojnásobný výkon díky JIT a užitečné novinky pro programátory -
- .NET 5.0 and C# 9.0 for Xamarin Developers | mfractor
- Basic JSON APIs with Route-to-code in ASP.NET Core | Microsoft Docs
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- Small Basic + micro:bit - Microsoft Tech Community
- µ-velOSity RTOS now available for RISC-V
- Amnesia:33 je pohroma pro internet věcí. Ohrožuje bezpečnost v domácnostech, ale hlavně ve firmách | Hospodářské noviny (